LR parser & lexer generator for Julia.
This package provides a parser and lexer generator for Julia inspired by GNU Bison and Flex respectively. Most algorithms used in this package are based on the algorithms described in the Dragon Book.
Generated parsers and lexers are written in pure Julia and do not require any external dependencies (aside from the JLRPG.jl
library). To generate a parser or lexer, a definition file has to be written in a bison/flex-like syntax (but with Julia code inside!).
The library currently features:
- SLR, LR(1) and LALR(1) parser generation
- Generation of simplified lexers (which use PCRE2 regex matching loops instead of a DFA)
The package can be installed with the Julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, type ]
to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run:
pkg> add
Currently the package is not registered in the Julia package registry.
The package provides two functions generate_lexer
and generate_parser
, which can be used to generate a lexer or a parser respectively. Both functions take a definition file as input and return a Julia source file containing the generated lexer/parser. The generated lexer/parser can then be included in other Julia source files or modules.
The following example shows how to define a lexer for a simple calculator language:
NUMBER 0|[1-9]+[0-9]*
{WHITESPACE}+ :{ # Ignore }:
val::Int = parse(Int, $$)
return Number(::Int=val)
"*" :{ return Multiply() }:
"/" :{ return Divide() }:
"+" :{ return Add() }:
"-" :{ return Subtract() }:
"(" :{ return LParen() }:
")" :{ return RParen() }:
The following example shows how to define a simple grammar for the calculator:
%option LALR
#= Lexer token definitions =#
%token MULTIPLY "*"
%token DIVIDE "/"
%token ADD "+"
%token SUBTRACT "-"
%token LPAREN "("
%token RPAREN ")"
%token NUMBER
#= Returned types =#
%type <Int> e
%type <Int> t
%type <Int> f
#= Productions =#
%start s
s -> e :{ println($1) }:
e -> e "+" t :{ $$ = $1 + $3 }:
| e "-" t :{ $$ = $1 - $3 }:
| t :{ $$ = $1 }:
t -> t "*" f :{ $$ = $1 * $3 }:
| t "/" f :{ $$ = $1 / $3 }:
| f :{ $$ = $1 }:
f -> NUMBER :{ $$ = $1.value }:
| "(" e ")" :{ $$ = $2 }:
Generate both lexer and parser:
using JLRPG
Files __LEX__.jl
and __PAR__.jl
will be generated in the directory, from which the functions were called.
Run the generated parser for the following input file:
$ cat input.txt
2 + 2 * 2
$ julia __PAR__.jl input.txt
For more examples see the examples
Documentation is available at this link.