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FluidSynth configuration files

Pedro López-Cabanillas edited this page May 26, 2024 · 3 revisions

These are the defined names and locations of the configuration file which is automatically loaded at startup if the client application implements the mechanism. Currently only the CLI program ("fluidsynth.exe" in Windows) honors this feature.

For application developers willing to implement this feature in their own clients, please see:

User configuration

The user configuration file takes precedence over the system configuration. If both are found, only the user configuration shall be processed.


The user configuration file is located at the $HOME directory with the name: "~/.fluidsynth"


The user configuration file is located at the %USERPROFILE% directory with the name: "%USERPROFILE%\fluidsynth.cfg"

System wide configuration


The system configuration file is located at the "/etc" directory with the name: "/etc/fluidsynth.conf"


The system configuration file is located at the %ProgramData% directory with the name "%ProgramData%\fluidsynth\fluidsynth.cfg"

Example configuration file

This would be a valid configuration file for Linux:

set audio.driver pulseaudio
set audio.period-size 512
set audio.periods 8
set midi.driver alsa_seq
set fluidsynth
set midi.autoconnect True
set synth.gain 1.0
set False
set synth.default-soundfont /home/user/.local/share/soundfonts/default.sf2