A Javascript librairy to create awesome datapacks!
DatapackJS is the answer of a big datapack that 75% of the code are the same. I really like creating some cool datapacks, and recently I had a big datapack to create for a personnal project, and inside, their was a lot of same commands (like to teleport players). So I asked to me: Isn't there have a solution to avoid this fu**** copy/pasting of same code ? Then I remembered than I've always wanted to create my own programming language and so... that's not what i did! Instead I created a javascript librairy that uses classes to make everything that can be done with datapacks!
You can get the librairy and start making your own datapack by following this simples steps:
npm init -y
npm i --s @flymeth/datapackjs
const {default: DatapackJS} = require('datapackjs')
const dp = new DatapackJS({
name: "hello world",
description: "my first datapack using javascript",
namespace: "hw",
version: "1.19"
// And so on...
Pro tip: Go to the documentation before start using it!