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Puzzle Bobble-like game for PC and Mobile. Development has been halted. This project is written as a showcase of my capabilities as a C++ game developer.

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Puzzle Bobble-like game for PC and Mobile. Currently in development. This project is written as a showcase of my capabilities as a C++ game developer.



Technical Notes

  • The variable mParentIndex is NOT available for use in any of class hierarchy for GameObject, unless the index is explicitly passed, if the object is instantiated outside of the in-game room loader. For example, take a look at the Player class: it needs the parentIndex argument for its constructor (which introduces some redundancy), because it needs to look for other game objects on the same layer where it lies.

  • To get status for a single input:


    where on PRIMARY_BUTTON equals to:

    • ImMouseButtons::None on mobile;
    • ImMouseButtons::Left desktop.

    The value can be one of following:

    • IM_STATE_NOT_PRESSED = 0: the key is not pressed at all;
    • IM_STATE_PRESSED = 1: the key has been just pressed for this tick;
    • IM_STATE_PRESSING = 2: the key is being kept pressed for two or more ticks;
    • IM_STATE_RELEASED = -1: the key has been just released for this tick;

    To check if key is down or not, do one of the following:

    • InputManager::singleton->mouseStates[PRIMARY_BUTTON] <= 0: the key is up;
    • InputManager::singleton->mouseStates[PRIMARY_BUTTON] > 0: the key is down;
  • On Android, when a notification is tapped, the NotificationActivity is opened. All of the intent extras, which starts with game_, are then passed intact to the EngineActivity if it has been already started. Otherwise, a new instance of it is started with the above mentioned data.

  • On iOS, the launching options are parsed to get the game_startup_mask parameter and set it accordingly as the target platform requires.

  • Use the DEBUG macro to check whether it's a debug build or not. Visual Studio, Android Studio and Xcode projects are already setup to be conformant to this project codebase.

  • Object picking in GOL_PERSP_FIRST can be toggled using the InputManager::singleton->mReadObjectId flag. This is useful in some situations where object picking is not required, since it may cause OpenGL pipeline to sync, thus losing performance and framerate.

  • When disabling draw calls for a particular layer, a refresh might be required when resuming app from background on mobile devices, since they tend to perform a destroy / flush / clear / whatever-they-do on the OpenGL context when they become inactive.

  • Please, keep the GameObject::mDrawables array clean and consistent, otherwise orphans drawables will appear. Also, layers where drawables go should be the same where the GameObject instances goes, otherwise drawables handling becomes difficult and tricky. Just create another class to handle that drawable on your required layer.

  • The concept for Detached Drawing is simple: the engine follows a pipeline, to render all the object on it's layer. If something needs to be rendered outside this pipeline (like some off-screen drawing or render-to-texture operations), we are talking about Detached Drawing. Just implement the IDrawDetached interface to give an uniformity and coherence regarding drawing operations. Beware to not let drawables end up in RoomManager-managed DrawableGroup object!

  • The OverlayText is NOT ALWAYS detached anymore. A dummy drawable is added to be processed by the engine pipeline, so draw order is preserved!

  • The concept for Cycle Waste is basically wasting a cycle where the GameObject::update method, for a specific instance, gets called by the engine, without doing anything useful for the instance's logic itself. This is useful after a loading, like a scene, audio, etc... to avoid big delta times, like animation jumps, or sometimes even state jumps!

  • As of now, all almost materials use Phong shader.

  • The GOL_PERSP_FIRST is the only layer which has the object ID buffer, used for mouse picking.

  • The GOL_ORTHO_FIRST is the only layer which draws its objects right after update (such as OverlayText).

  • Regarding BaseDrawable and its subclasses, their copy constructor (kind-of, please see their implementation) does NOT copy all of the properties.

  • It's advised to use the AssetManager to load a resource of type Shaders::Phong, otherwise the Object ID property will seem to be randomized due to an undefined value.

  • Objects, whose name ends with _AvoidMe, are NOT imported by AssetManager.

  • It's highly advised to use WaterShader for "square" drawables.

  • Blending between OverlayText and OverlayGui is incorrect due to the blending function used. This can be fixed, but it's a time consuming task. Please, avoid this.

  • Transformations for OverlayText is only computed automatically on the first update. Later times, the method setPosition must be called to trigger transformations update. Otherwise the object will be rendered with out-of-date transformations.

  • The screen_quad.frag shader program has an hard-coded effect to resemble a fog, which is very tighted to this specific game appearance.

  • This makes shader compilation fail on some drivers, expecially on Samsung phones. A manually-compiled release of Magnum, without that #line 1, is required.

  • Float precision for fragment shaders should be always mediump. This is important, since some Android OpenGL ES implementations throws an error about missing precision. Higher precision is almost useless.

  • As for now, audio played through StreamedAudioPlayable is always looped.

  • On iOS, when a UIAlertController is presented through the presentInNewWindow method, since there is no dismiss callback, view hierarchy listener, tap-on-outside to exit, etc... the method dismissCallback must be called on every UIAlertAction handler (which always and automatically dismisses the owner UIAlertController) to dismiss the parent window which was created in presentInNewWindow method and which holds the UIAlertController itself, otherwise a "ghost" UIWindow will live on top of the main window, preventing user input.


Puzzle Bobble-like game for PC and Mobile. Development has been halted. This project is written as a showcase of my capabilities as a C++ game developer.






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