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HATEOAS Dual Layer Proof-of-concept


  • hateoas-dual-layer-backend - REST HATEOAS API for single domain (here for simplicity one app for both Application and Security domain)
  • hateoas-dual-layer-frontend-facade - REST HATEOAS front-end facade API


  • standalone - run as standalone application
  • tomcat- run in Tomcat server container
  • mock_data - use mocked data
  • jpa_data - use JPA to fetch data (must be used with one of database-specific profiles)
  • h2 - use h2 database (must be used in conjunction with profile jpa_data)

To run application correctly either standalone or tomcat profile and either mock_data or jpa_data profile must be enabled. If jpa_data profile is enabled, one of the database-specific profiles should be enabled as well.



./mvnw clean package
java -jar hateoas-dual-layer-backend/target/hateoas-dual-layer-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war &
java -jar hateoas-dual-layer-frontend-facade/target/hateoas-dual-layer-frontend-facade-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war &


mvnw clean package
start "" java -jar hateoas-dual-layer-backend/target/hateoas-dual-layer-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
start "" java -jar hateoas-dual-layer-frontend-facade/target/hateoas-dual-layer-frontend-facade-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war

to start the applications and navigate to http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui.html and http://localhost:7000/swagger-ui.html to access Swagger UI for the Backend and Frontend Facade respectively.

Tomcat deployment

By setting up local Tomcat installation

  • Download Tomcat 8.5 or above.
  • Create (or open if it already exists) file ${catalina.home}/bin/setenv.{bat,sh} depending on operating system.
  • On Windows: Add line set "CATALINA_OPTS=%CATALINA_OPTS%" to file setenv.bat.
  • On Unix/Linux/MacOSX: Add line export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS" to file
  • Copy hateoas-dual-layer-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war to ${catalina.home}/webapps directory and rename it to backend.war
  • Copy hateoas-dual-layer-frontend-facade-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war to ${catalina.home}/webapps directory and rename it to frontend-facade.war
  • Start Tomcat using startup.{bat,sh} or catalina.{bat,sh} startup script depending in your operating system and personal preference.
  • Navigate to http://localhost:8080/backend/swagger-ui.html and http://localhost:8080/frontend-facade/swagger-ui.html to access Swagger UIs for both APIs.

Via Cargo Plugin


./mvnw --projects hateoas-dual-layer-cargo-deployer cargo:run


mvnw --projects hateoas-dual-layer-cargo-deployer cargo:run

depending on your operating system to automatically download, setup and run Tomcat 9.0.1 with both backend and frontend facade applications deployed.