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A simple .net Optional type designed for productivity.

Nuget package

New 3.5

  • .net 8 build added!
  • Added IfNotPresentAsync Task extension method
  • Greater test coverage

New in 3.4

  • .net 7 build added!
  • Full nullable type annotations for the API
  • New overloads for All(), Any() and Get() for easier unpacking of values
  • Fixed a bug in UnpackPartial when using arrays

New in 3.3

  • .net 6 build added!
  • Added Task variants of .OrElseAsync for nicer fallback chaining, e.g.
// Lazily tries 3 different functions and returns the first non-empty result, otherwise
// falling back to false at the end if none of them returned a value
return await TrySomethingAsync()
            // If TrySomethingAsync() returns empty, execute the function chain below
            // This is lazily executed, so it will never execute if TrySomethingAsync() returns something.
            .OrElseAsync(() => TrySomethingElseAsync().MapAsync(somethingElse =>
                 return "fallback-value-1";
            // If _that_ didn't work, lazily try this instead!
            .OrElseAsync(async () =>
                if (await SomethingElse())
                    return Optional.Of("fallback-value-2");
                return Optional.Empty;
            // Nothing worked, but we might want to provide a default value
            .OrElseAsync(() =>
                Log.Warn("nothing worked!");
                return "oh no!";

New in 3.0

  • Added .FlatMapAsync() extensions to Task
  • Added .IfPresentAsync() extensions to Task
  • Added OrElseThrow() to rethrow an exception if the given Optional does not have a value. The original exception call stack is preserved.
// Chain async optional tasks together, the tasks only execute if the previous task returned a value
Task<Optional<long>> input = Task.FromResult(Optional.Of(1234567890L));
Optional<string> output = await input.FlatMapAsync(async x => x.ToString());

// Rethrow exceptions in a clean manner via OrElseThrow()
catch (Exception ex)
    SomeFallbackThingThatReturnsOptional().OrElseThrow(ex); // Original call stack of ex is preserved

// Perform some async computation that might return a result,
// map the result or fall back to another value!
string result =
    await Func()
        .MapAsync(async x => x + " even more string")
        .OrElseAsync(() => "Fallback from async optional method chain");

async Task<Optional<string>> Func()
    return Optional.Empty;

New in 2.2

  • Added extension methods on Task<Optional> to make chaining optional async methods nicer
string result = await SomeAsyncFunc().OrElseAsync(() => "hello!");

Optional<T> result = await SomeAsyncFunc().OrElseAsync(SomeOtherFunThatReturnsOptional);

Optional<string> result = await Task.FromResult("Hello").MapAsync(x => x + " World!");

Optional<string> result = await SomeAsyncFunc().MapAsync(async x => "Hello from an async Task {x}!");

New in 2.1.1:

  • Support for .net framework 4.6.1 and 4.7.2 alongside existing .net core support

New in 2.1! .NET Core 3.0 build, readonly struct optimisations and F# interop

I've added support for .NET Core 3.0 and I've made Optional<T> a readonly struct (It was never mutable anyway), which should give some small perf wins through reduced copies on member invocations.

F#'s option type is fantastic until anything in C# needs to deal with it. So I've added some implicit conversions from FSharpOption and FSharpValueOption into their equivalent types. Additionally I've added a .ToFsOption() method to optionals to make them easy for F# to consume in a performant manner.

module MyFSharpModule =
    let DoSomething () = 42 option // Return an F# option like normal


void Main()
    Optional<int> result = MyFsharpModule.DoSomething(); // Implicitly converts F# option into C#-friendly option	
class MyCSharpClass
    public static Optional<string> DoSomething() => Optional.Of(42) // Return an option
let myFun () =
    match MyCSharpClass.DoSomething().ToFsOption() with
	| Some value -> printfn "Easily consume from F#! %O" value
	| None -> printfn "Life is better when we all get along"


Optional behaviour when returning values

void Main() 
   SomeOtherFunc().IfPresent(value => Console.WriteLine(value));
Optional<string> SomeOtherFunc() 
    return Optional.Of(someField).IfNotPresent(() => "fallback value");

Capture nulls and gracefully fall back

void Main() 
    var value = Optional.Of(NullableLibraryFunction()).OrElse("treachery!");

Implicitly converts values into Optionals

string SomeFunc() 
    return "test";

Optional<string> result = SomeFunc();
result.IfPresent(x => Console.WriteLine(x));

Automatically converts nulls to Optional.Empty

string SomeFunc()
	return null;

Optional<string> foo = SomeFunc();
Console.WriteLine($"Result HasValue = {foo.HasValue}");

Chain through multiple optional functions until one returns

void Main()
    var value = Optional.get(Func1, Func2, Func3);

Optional<int> Func1()
    return Optional.Empty;

Optional<int> Func2()
    return Optional.Empty;

Optional<int> Func3()
    return Optional.Of(42);

Async friendly

async Task Main()
    // Mix sync and async functions using Optionals
    await SomeFunc().IfPresentAsync(value =>
        await DoAsyncWork(value);

    // Compose optional async tasks together!
    Optional<char[]> _ = await SomeFunc().MapAsync(x =>
        return x.ToArray();

Optional<string> SomeFunc()
    return Optional.Of("test");

async Task DoAsyncWork(string value)
    await File.WriteAllTextAsync("./file.text", value);

Safely transform values

void Main()
    Func1().Map(x => x + "mapping ")
           .Map(x => x + "values ")
           .Map(x => new StringBuilder(x))
           .Map(x => x.Append("safely!"))
           .Map(x => SomeFunctionThatMightReturnNull(x))
           .IfPresent(x => Console.WriteLine(x.ToString()));

Fallback when a method returns empty

void Main()
    var result = MaybeSomething().OrElse(() => "Something else"))

Optional<string> MaybeSomething()
    return Optional.Empty;

Wrap values into collections and then filter those collections to just the present values

void Main()
    IEnumerable<Optional<string>> results = Optional.Pack(SomeLibraryFunctionThatReturnsAString(),

    // Pick all of the non-empty values from the list, discarding the empty ones
    Optional.UnpackPartial(results).IfPresent(listOfOnlyPresentValues => 
        Console.WriteLine("At least one value was present");
        foreach(var val in listOfOnlyPresentValues) {
    .IfNotPresent(() => Console.WriteLine("All values were empty!"))

    // Create an IEnumerable<T> if ALL values in "results" are present, otherwise return empty
    Optional.UnpackAll(results).IfPresent(listOfAllValues =>
        foreach(var val in listOfAllValues) {


A simple .net Optional type designed for productivity







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