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Complete list of parameters

Fox Islam edited this page Mar 12, 2021 · 4 revisions



  • key: krdict authentication key (string)
  • query: Search term (string)


  • searchStartIndex: Starting index for search (number<1-1000>, default 1)
  • numberOfResults: Number of search results to return (number<10-100>, default 10)
  • sortMethod: Method to sort by (SortMethod, default 'alphabetical')
  • searchTarget: What to search for (SearchTarget, default 'word')
  • shouldTranslate: Whether the result should be translated (boolean, default false)
  • translationLanguage: The language the result should be translated to (TranslationLanguage | TranslationLanguage[], default 'all')
  • detailedSearch: Whether to search in detail (boolean, default false)
  • searchTargetType: Where to search in (SearchTargetType, default 'vocabulary')
  • targetLanguage: If the search target type is 'original language', use this language to search by (TargetLanguage, default 'all')
  • searchMethod: Method to search with (SearchMethod, default 'exact')
  • firstCategory: Category to search by (FirstCategory[], default 'all')
  • secondCategory: Category to search by (SecondCategory[], default 'all')
  • vocabularyGrade: The level of the vocabulary (VocabularyGrade[], default 'all')
  • partOfSpeech: The part of speech the term belongs to (PartOfSpeech[], default 'all')
  • multimediaInformation: Multimedia information to return (MultimediaInformation[], default 'all')
  • minNumberOfSyllables: Minimum number of syllables in result word (number, default 1)
  • maxNumberOfSyllables: Maximum number of syllables in result word (number, default 0)
  • meaningCategory: The category of the meaning (MeaningCategory[], default 'all')
  • subjectCategory: The category of the subject or situation (SubjectCategory[], default 'all')

Sort method

Possible values = 'alphabetical' | 'popular'

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Search target

Possible values = 'word' | 'idiom' | 'proverb' | 'definition' | 'example'

Note: 'idiom' and 'proverb' are mapped to the same value

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Translation language

Possible values = 'all' | 'english' | 'japanese' | 'french' | 'spanish' | 'arabic' | 'mongolian' | 'vietnamese' | 'thai' | 'indonesian' | 'russian'

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Search target type

Possible values = 'vocabulary' | 'headword' | 'meaning' | 'examples' | 'original language' | 'pronunciation' | 'utilization' | 'utilization shorthand' | 'idiom' | 'proverb' | 'reference information'

Note: 'vocabulary' and 'headword' are mapped to the same value

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Target language

Possible values = 'all' | 'native language' | 'chinese' | 'chinese (simplified)' | 'unclear' | 'english' | 'greek' | 'dutch' | 'norwegian' | 'german' | 'latin' | 'russian' | 'romanian' | 'maori' | 'malay' | 'mongolian' | 'basque' | 'burmese' | 'vietnamese' | 'bulgarian' | 'sanskrit' | 'servo'| 'croat' | 'swahili' | 'swedish' | 'arabic' | 'irish' | 'spanish' | 'uzbek' | 'ukrainian' | 'italian' | 'indonesian' | 'japanese' | 'chinese (traditional)' | 'czech' | 'cambodian' | 'quechua' | 'tagalog' | 'thai' | 'turkish' | 'tibetan' | 'persian' | 'portuguese' | 'polish' | 'french' | 'provencal' | 'finnish' | 'hungarian' | 'hebrew' | 'hindi' | 'other' | 'danish'

Note: 'chinese' and 'chinese (simplified)' are mapped to the same value, also 'servo' and 'croat' are mapped to the same value

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Search method

Possible values = 'exact' | 'include' | 'start' | 'end'

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First category

Possible values = 'all' | 'word' | 'phrase' | 'expression'

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Second category

Possible values = 'all' | 'native' | 'chinese' | 'loanword' | 'hybrid'

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Vocabulary grade

Possible values = 'all' | 'beginner' | 'intermediate' | 'advanced' | 'level1' | 'level2' | 'level3';

Note: 'beginner' and 'level1' are mapped to the same value, 'intermediate' and 'level2' are mapped to the same value, 'advanced' and 'level3' are mapped to the same value

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Part of speech

Possible values = 'all' | 'noun' | 'pronoun' | 'numeral' | 'postpositional particle' | 'verb' | 'adjective' | 'determiner' | 'adverb' | 'interjection' | 'affix' | 'bound noun' | 'auxiliary verb' | 'auxiliary adjective' | 'ending' | 'none'

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Multimedia information

Possible values = 'all' | 'photo' | 'illustration' | 'video' | 'animation' | 'sound' | 'none'

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Meaning category

Possible values =
    | 'all'
    | 'human> all'
    | 'human> human type'
    | 'human> body part'
    | 'human> physical state'
    | 'human> physiological phenomenon'
    | 'human> sense'
    | 'human> emotion'
    | 'human> personality'
    | 'human> attitude'
    | 'human> appearance'
    | 'human> ability'
    | 'human> body change'
    | 'human> physical behavior'
    | 'human> action on the body'
    | 'human> cognitive action'
    | 'human> sound'
    | 'human> internal composition of the body'
    | 'life> all'
    | 'life> state of life'
    | 'life> life actions'
    | 'life> daily activities'
    | 'life> kinship'
    | 'life> family events'
    | 'life> leisure tools'
    | 'life> leisure facilities'
    | 'life> leisure activity'
    | 'life> symptoms'
    | 'life> treatment behavior'
    | 'life> treatment facility'
    | 'life> medicines'
    | 'dietary life> all'
    | 'dietary life> food'
    | 'dietary life> vegetables'
    | 'dietary life> grain'
    | 'dietary life> fruit'
    | 'dietary life> beverage'
    | 'dietary life> ingredients'
    | 'dietary life> cooking utensils'
    | 'dietary life> places related to dietary life'
    | 'dietary life> taste'
    | 'dietary life> meal and cooking behavior'
    | 'clothing> all'
    | 'clothing> clothing type'
    | 'clothing> cloth'
    | 'clothing> clothing part of'
    | 'clothing> hats, shoes, accessories'
    | 'clothing> clothing life-related places'
    | 'clothing life> wearing state of clothing'
    | 'clothing life> wearing clothing'
    | 'clothing life> beauty activity'
    | 'home life> all'
    | 'home life> building type'
    | 'home life> housing type'
    | 'home life> residential area'
    | 'home life> household goods'
    | 'home life> housing composition'
    | 'home life> housing condition'
    | 'home life> housing behavior'
    | 'home life> housework'
    | 'social life> all'
    | 'social life> human relations'
    | 'social life> communication means'
    | 'social life> transportation'
    | 'social life> media'
    | 'social life> work'
    | 'social life> position'
    | 'social life> occupation'
    | 'social life> social event'
    | 'social life> social life status'
    | 'social life> social activity'
    | 'social life> traffic use behavior'
    | 'social life> work life'
    | 'social life> language behavior'
    | 'social life> communication action'
    | 'social life> speech'
    | 'economic life> all'
    | 'economic life> economic action subject'
    | 'economic life> economic action place'
    | 'economic life> economic means'
    | 'economic life> economic product'
    | 'economic life> economic status'
    | 'economic life> economic activity'
    | 'education> all'
    | 'education> teaching and learning subject'
    | 'education> majors'
    | 'education> educational institutions'
    | 'education> school facilities'
    | 'education> learning-related objects'
    | 'education> academic terms'
    | 'education> teaching and learning behavior'
    | 'education> academic behavior'
    | 'religion> all'
    | 'religion> type of religion'
    | 'religion> place of religious activity'
    | 'religion> religious person'
    | 'religion> religious language'
    | 'religion> object of faith'
    | 'religion> religious activity tools'
    | 'religion> religious action'
    | 'culture> all'
    | 'culture> cultural activity subject'
    | 'culture> music'
    | 'culture> art'
    | 'culture> literature'
    | 'culture> arts'
    | 'culture> popular culture'
    | 'culture> traditional culture'
    | 'culture> cultural living place'
    | 'culture> cultural activities'
    | 'politics and administration> all'
    | 'politics and administration> public institutions'
    | 'politics and administration> judicial and public security entities'
    | 'politics and administration> weapons'
    | 'politics and administration> politics and public security'
    | 'politics and administration> politics and administrative actions'
    | 'politics and administration> judicial and public security acts'
    | 'politics and administration> political and administrative subjects'
    | 'nature> all'
    | 'nature> topography'
    | 'nature> surface objects'
    | 'nature> celestial body'
    | 'nature> resources'
    | 'nature> disaster'
    | 'nature> meteorology and climate'
    | 'animals and plants> all'
    | 'animals and plants> animals'
    | 'animals and plants> insects'
    | 'animals and plants> plants'
    | 'animals and plants> animal parts'
    | 'animals and plants> plant parts'
    | 'animals and plants> animals and plants behavior'
    | 'animals and plants> animal sounds'
    | 'concept> whole'
    | 'concept> shape'
    | 'concept> property'
    | 'concept> speed'
    | 'concept> brightness'
    | 'concept> temperature'
    | 'concept> color'
    | 'concept> number'
    | 'concept> count'
    | 'concept> quantity'
    | 'concept> degree'
    | 'concept> order'
    | 'concept> frequency'
    | 'concept> time'
    | 'concept> position and direction'
    | 'concept> region'
    | 'concept> instruction'
    | 'concept> connection'
    | 'concept> question'
    | 'concept> person'
    | 'area'

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Subject category

Possible values =
    | 'all'
    | 'greetings'
    | 'introducing (self-introduction)'
    | 'introducing (family)'
    | 'exchanging personal information'
    | 'describing location'
    | 'directions'
    | 'using transportation'
    | 'purchasing goods'
    | 'ordering food'
    | 'describing cooking'
    | 'expressing time'
    | 'expressing dates'
    | 'expressing days of the week'
    | 'weather and season'
    | 'daily life'
    | 'school life'
    | 'life in korea'
    | 'making a promise'
    | 'making a call'
    | 'expressing gratitude'
    | 'apologizing'
    | 'travel'
    | 'weekends and holidays'
    | 'hobbies'
    | 'family events'
    | 'health'
    | 'using hospitals'
    | 'using pharmacies'
    | 'using public institutions (library)'
    | 'using public institutions (post office)'
    | 'using public institutions (immigration office)'
    | 'inviting and visiting'
    | 'finding a house'
    | 'housework'
    | 'expressing emotions and feelings'
    | 'describing personality'
    | 'describing clothes'
    | 'describing physical features'
    | 'watching movies'
    | 'exchanging personal information (intermediate)'
    | 'using transportation (intermediate)'
    | 'geographic information'
    | 'purchasing goods (intermediate)'
    | 'describing food'
    | 'describing cooking (intermediate)'
    | 'weather and season (intermediate)'
    | 'school life (intermediate)'
    | 'life in korea (intermediate)'
    | 'occupation and future path'
    | 'life in the workplace'
    | 'travel (intermediate)'
    | 'weekends and holidays (intermediate)'
    | 'hobbies (intermediate)'
    | 'family events (intermediate)'
    | 'family events (holidays)'
    | 'health (intermediate)'
    | 'using public institutions'
    | 'inviting and visiting (intermediate)'
    | 'finding a house (intermediate)'
    | 'housework (intermediate)'
    | 'expressing emotions and feelings (intermediate)'
    | 'describing personality (intermediate)'
    | 'describing clothes (intermediate)'
    | 'describing physical features (intermediate)'
    | 'performances and appreciation'
    | 'mass media'
    | 'computers and the internet'
    | 'describing incidents and disasters'
    | 'environmental issues'
    | 'comparing cultures'
    | 'human relationships'
    | 'korean literature'
    | 'solving problems (loss and malfunction)'
    | 'talking about mistakes'
    | 'dating and marriage'
    | 'language'
    | 'geographic information (advanced)'
    | 'economy and business'
    | 'dietary culture'
    | 'climate'
    | 'occupation and future path (advanced)'
    | 'life in the workplace (advanced)'
    | 'education'
    | 'leisure'
    | 'health and medical treatment'
    | 'residential life'
    | 'psychology'
    | 'appearance'
    | 'popular culture'
    | 'computers and the internet (advanced)'
    | 'social issues'
    | 'environmental issues (advanced)'
    | 'social system'
    | 'cultural differences'
    | 'human relationships (advanced)'
    | 'art'
    | 'architecture'
    | 'science and technology'
    | 'law'
    | 'sports'
    | 'press'
    | 'language (advanced)'
    | 'history'
    | 'politics'
    | 'religion'
    | 'philosophy and ethics'

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