42036001 Autumn2017 software architecture and design pattern by jie HOU @ SSE, TJU
- Singleton, lmh、ch
- Visitor,
- State,lmh、ch
- Proxy, Surrogate,ch
- Template Method,lmh
- Strategy,ygh
- Prototype,ygh
- Observer,hjx
- Memento,lmh
- Mediator
- Iterator,ly
- Interpreter,
- Factory Method,ygh
- Flyweight,ygh
- Facade,lmh
- Composite,ygh
- Command,lmh
- Chain of Responsibility,ybj
- Builder,hjx
- Bridge,hjx
- Abstract Factory,hjx
- Decorator,ybj
- Adapter,ybj
C++/Java implementations of the Gang of Four's "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software"
《Head First 设计模式》源代码
Design Patterns Explained Simply
- pdf见doc文件夹
- 李冕泓(@Sixaps)
- 杨冰洁(@lingziyu)
- 胡嘉鑫(@DigitalSprite)
- 杨国辉(@Yghifi)
- 陈晖(@LosingSleep)
- 李源(@FoxerLee)
- 侯捷老师
- lzj(@tjluozhongjin)