Have only made apps with RESTful APIs. Whilst this app will mostly be RESTful, I need to learn Server Side Rendering. Therefore, some of this app while be done using RESTful (nextjs route handlers) and others will be done using Server Side Rendering. However, I may also just end up to sticking to Nextjs' recommended way to use client and server components as well as their "Server / Client Component Patterns".
- Landing Page
- Sign in
- Navbar
- Add Lift -- End of Day 1
- Display Lifts (ChartJS) -- End of Day 2
- Clean up code (Alter api calls after session object change)
- Create Custom Login Page
- Create a Settings Page -- End of Day 3
- Design A main dashboard component
- Deploy to Vercel
- Host a postgres database on a VM - budget reasons -- End of Day 4
- Add MEV (Minimum Effective Volume) to Dashboard
- Add MAV (Maximum Adaptive Volume) to Dashboard
- Change MEV to sets/MAV to make it clearer (using % makes it harder to read)
- Beautify UI - Add images, Propper buttons and add animations (Spruce up landing page)
- Design a workout holder