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Mojangster allows you to have animated loading/reload overlays - configurable via ModMenu and has modpack support.

Mojangster is not compatible with Dark Loading Screen

Some examples:


You can contribute at or by making a pull request.

You will be credited under the name used in POEditor/Github unless you provide a different one. Current translation status:

Properly ranslated:

  • English (100%)
  • French (100%)
  • German (100%)
  • Spanish (100%)

Machine Translated:

af_za Afrikaans, ar_sa Arabic, az_az Azerbaijani, be_by Belarusian, bg_bg Bulgarian, bs_ba Bosnian, ca_es Catalan, cs_cz Czech, cy_gb Welsh, da_dk Danish, de_at Austrian German, de_ch Swiss German, de_de German, el_gr Greek, eo_uy Esperanto, et_ee Estonian, eu_es Basque, fa_ir Persian, fi_fi Finnish, fy_nl Frisian, ga_ie Irish, gd_gb Scottish Gaelic, gl_es Galician, he_il Hebrew, hi_in Hindi, hr_hr Croatian, hu_hu Hungarian, hy_am Armenian, id_id Indonesian, ig_ng Igbo, is_is Icelandic, it_it Italian, ja_jp Japanese, ka_ge Georgian, kk_kz Kazakh, kn_in Kannada, ko_kr Korean, la_la Latin, lb_lu Luxembourgish, lt_lt Lithuanian, lv_lv Latvian, mk_mk Macedonian, mn_mn Mongolian, ms_my Malay, mt_mt Maltese, nl_be Flemish Dutch, nl_nl Dutch, no_no‌ Norwegian Bokmål, pl_pl Polish, pt_br Brazilian Portuguese , pt_pt Portuguese, ro_ro Romanian, ru_ru Russian, sk_sk Slovak, sl_si Slovenian, so_so Somali, sq_al Albanian, sr_sp Serbian (Cyrillic/Latin), sv_se Swedish, ta_in Tamil, th_th Thai, tl_ph Tagalog, tr_tr Turkish, uk_ua Ukrainian, vi_vn Vietnamese, yi_de Yiddish, yo_ng Yoruba, zh_cn Chinese Simplified, zh_tw Chinese Traditional

If your language isn't listed, feel free to open an issue requesting it.


Configuration is editable in the /config/ folder of your minecraft installation or using ModMenu.


Custom Colors

Enable Custom Colors - default false - Enable custom colors.

The following requires custom colors to be true.

Background Color - default #ef323d - The color of the loading/reload overlay background.

Loading Bar Color - default #ffffff - The color of the loading bar.

Logo Color Tint - default #ffffff - The color to tint the logo.

Disable Logo Color Tint - default false - Use this when using animations with colors or logos that contain more than one color.



Play sound - default true - Play a sound once the animation has completed.

Sound File - default default.wav - The sound file that is in .minecraft/mojangster/custom



The following requires minecraft to be restarted or glitches may occur.

Dont animate - default false - Disable the animation and use the static logo file instead.

Animation Speed - default 33 - The amount of milliseconds between frames.

Hide Loading Bar - default false - Hide the loading bar.


Animation File - default default.png - The default animation, from Minecraft: Dungeons


The animation file is a 4096x4096 spritesheet that contains 64 1024x256 frames.

Want to create your own custom animations? You can open the animation editor by running java -jar <mojangster-jar-path> in a terminal! or use . The input gif must have exactly 64 frames, and be exactly 1024x256 in size. Place the output png in .minecraft/mojangster/custom/

Static Logo File - default default-static.png - The default logo, Mojang Studios


In-game footage:

Default Settings:

Custom Animation and Custom Colors: