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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Tardis allows you to travel in time (git history) scrolling through each revision of your current file.

Inspired by git-timemachine which I used extensively when I was using emacs.


Like with any other

    dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
    config = true,

The default options are

require('tardis-nvim').setup {
    keymap = {
        ["next"] = '<C-j>',             -- next entry in log (older)
        ["prev"] = '<C-k>',             -- previous entry in log (newer)
        ["quit"] = 'q',                 -- quit all
        ["revision_message"] = '<C-m>', -- show revision message for current revision
        ["commit"] = '<C-g>',           -- replace contents of origin buffer with contents of tardis buffer
    initial_revisions = 10,             -- initial revisions to create buffers for
    max_revisions = 256,                -- max number of revisions to load


Using tardis is pretty simple

:Tardis <adapter>

This puts you into a new buffer where you can use the keymaps, like described above, to navigate the revisions of the currently open file

List of currently supported adapters:

  • git

Known issues

See issues


Go ahead :)