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Fullstack Laravel Web Made with MySQL, Laravel Blade, Laravel & Tailwind.css. Deployed to Heroku to Be Accessible By Any Person in The World =)

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Laravel Fullstack App ( Laravel Blade, Laravel & MYSQL )

A Color-Palette Website which Created by Chen Frederick - Included Email Blast, Database & Other Features to Become a Successful Fullstack Laravel App.

Website Link: Soon Deploy to AWS

Features :

  1. CRUD Backend with Integration in Frontend by MYSQL & Blade
  2. Restore & Archive Functionality ( Soft Delete )
  3. Plugin Integration + Tailwind.css + Fontawesome + SCSS
  4. After Register & Create a Color palette will receive email ( send email system )
  5. Components & Layout in laravel blade
  6. Deployment to Heroku
  7. Reusable Notification Component
  8. Laravel Eloquent Relationship

Database Column :

Users Palette ( soft delete table - with archive & restore feature )
id (primary_key) id (primary_key)
name user_id (foreign_key of users table)
username title
email colors (object)
password created_at
remember_token updated_at
email_verified_at deleted_at

References :

Tools Used :

  • Visual Studio Code
  • DBeaver
  • Git & Gitahead
  • Composer
  • Laravel & PHP
  • Tailwind.css
  • Gmail & Mailtrap
  • Node & NPM

To Setup :

  • npm install
  • composer install
  • npm run dev

Personal Notes :

  • after installed any plugin, you need to do npm i to synchronize between package.json & composer.json
  • after changed webpack.mix.js, since laravel mix is webpack based, you’ll need to compile those files with npm run dev.
  • while you're on development please run php artisan serve & npm run watch. 1 so you can visit localhost, the other 1 so you don't need to run npm run dev for every scss file change you made
  • its good to have layout in laravel where you can put your link rel in for just 1 time rather than put in all your component
  • can refer to our personal ms.word notes at drive when you want to regain knowledge after a while - P.S we dont have password in our local mysql
  • for email setup, here are some examples :
For Mailtrap (local/testing level)
For Gmail (production level)

Database Details :

  • Name : 'laravel_fullstack_app'
  • Username : 'laravel_fullstack_admin'
  • Password : 'laravel_fullstack_admin'

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  • your gmail app password for mailing ( production ) = mevuamcszfeofgyb
  • updated gmail app password version = lekoqmhajjnerbax


Fullstack Laravel Web Made with MySQL, Laravel Blade, Laravel & Tailwind.css. Deployed to Heroku to Be Accessible By Any Person in The World =)






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