A simple REST API PHP Client for ispconfig3 remote API.
- PHP >= 5.4.0 (with json support)
$ composer require freshost/ispconfig-restapi
The package can be included & used on any PHP application.
$call = new ISPconfigAPI(['user' => 'remote_user', 'pass' => 'changeme', 'url' => 'https://ispconfig.local:8080']);
$client = $call->call("client_get", ["client_id" => 1]);
You can allow the self signed certificate by set verifySSL variable.
$call = new ISPconfigAPI(['user' => 'remote_user', 'pass' => 'changeme', 'url' => 'https://ispconfig.local:8080', 'verifySSL' => false]);
Found a bug or missing a feature? Don't hesitate to create a new issue here on GitHub.