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Ludvig security scanner

Ludvig scan Python Build Create asset pack

Want to use Ludvig with your CI pipeline? Mosey on over to the Ludvig Action :)
Or contribute to Ludvig's YARA rules?

Named after Kjell Aukrust's character Ludvig who thinks everything is dangerous and is scared of the dark during the day.

Why yet another scanner?

Mostly because I thought it was a fun way to use YARA rules for something in addition to malware hunting and to learn how these kind of tools are made.

Anyway! Ludvig can, by means of Yara, detect secrets and what-nots in binaries as well as text files.
Is it not that we are most worried about? Our secrets leaking into our artifacts that are pushed onto the world?

Additionally, Ludvig is slowly getting support for scanning for vulnerabilities in software, such as third party libraries etc.

Sample output

ludvig git scan --path . -otable
RuleId    Name              Severity    Filename                         LineNumber    File SHA                                  Commit SHA
--------  ----------------  ----------  -------------------------------  ------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------
LS0009    PrivateKey        CRITICAL    samples/container/key.pem        1             96dd292cecfcee5a0494f1b706e2a86850780882  cc2335ba01a310ad57faa13d8d443c463d77c6e8
LS0008    JwtToken          HIGH        samples/container/secrets.json   5             9f91a973d12960664a30a3fdd26f44503f4a79a4  cc2335ba01a310ad57faa13d8d443c463d77c6e8
LS0014    SendgridApiToken  HIGH        samples/container/secrets.json   6             9f91a973d12960664a30a3fdd26f44503f4a79a4  cc2335ba01a310ad57faa13d8d443c463d77c6e8
LS0006    GitHubToken       CRITICAL    samples/container/secrets.json   4             9f91a973d12960664a30a3fdd26f44503f4a79a4  cc2335ba01a310ad57faa13d8d443c463d77c6e8
LS0012    PostmanApiToken   HIGH        samples/dotnet/Program.cs        8             5692ab984fa2d222d2176023e144ab8902f02060  cc2335ba01a310ad57faa13d8d443c463d77c6e8
LS0008    JwtToken          HIGH        tests/  55            39977c862e9df820069f626042acdd6a269cb745  cc2335ba01a310ad57faa13d8d443c463d77c6e8
LS0006    GitHubToken       CRITICAL    tests/  55            39977c862e9df820069f626042acdd6a269cb745  cc2335ba01a310ad57faa13d8d443c463d77c6e8
LS0009    PrivateKey        CRITICAL    samples/key.pem                  1             96dd292cecfcee5a0494f1b706e2a86850780882  031a637deff2644d116725fc817fe5af2d8ef9e6
LS0008    JwtToken          HIGH        samples/secrets.json             5             2931459907d1d40770e5e04cbfd35d8f61c612e1  031a637deff2644d116725fc817fe5af2d8ef9e6
LS0006    GitHubToken       CRITICAL    samples/secrets.json             4             2931459907d1d40770e5e04cbfd35d8f61c612e1  031a637deff2644d116725fc817fe5af2d8ef9e6
LS0006    GitHubToken       CRITICAL    samples/dotnet/Program.cs        8             bce506eb35a0c46d0561068e1f451ba7c3048915  0f6b3467c3418655bdf04993f89520431db6f105
LS0006    GitHubToken       CRITICAL    samples/secrets.json             3             f1b02a607c5ef97d66276fad99f9f0d1681944f8  2388bbe1376f05daa770f4cd75ce1dbd6a270279

Here is an example of Ludvig finding secrets inside a release-build of a .NET library:

LS0012    PostmanApiToken   HIGH        ./samples/dotnet/Program.cs                                 8
LS0012    PostmanApiToken   HIGH        ./samples/dotnet/obj/Release/net7.0/linux-x64/dotnet.dll    36
LS0012    PostmanApiToken   HIGH        ./samples/dotnet/bin/Release/net7.0/linux-x64/dotnet.dll    36


Either clone this repository or install using python -m pip install ludvig

Quick start

ludvig fs scan --path /my_awesome_app -otable


The general usage of the tool can be found by running python -m ludvig --help

Adding your own rules

Ludvig happily accepts YARA rules from anywhere you choose - the only requirement is that they are packaged up neatly in a .tar.gz format. You can add your custom rule package using ludvig rules add repo --name my_rules --category my_worries --url http://localhost/my_rules.tar.gz

Container scan

Scan container: python -m ludvig image scan --repository <repository>

ludvig image scan --help

    ludvig image scan : Scans a container image.

    --repository [Required] : Container image to scan (ex: myimage:1.1).
    --deobfuscated          : Returns any secrets found in plaintext. Default: False.
    --include-first-layer   : Scan first layer (base image) as well - may affect speed. Default:
    --max-file-size         : Max file size for scanning (in bytes).  Default: 10000.
    --output-sarif          : Generates SARIF report if filename is specified.
    --severity-level        : Set severity level for reporting.  Allowed values: CRITICAL, HIGH,
                              LOW, MEDIUM, UNKNOWN.  Default: MEDIUM.

Filesystem scan

Scan the filesystem: python -m ludvig fs scan --path <path>

ludvig fs scan --help

    ludvig fs scan : Scans a filesystem path.

    --path  [Required] : Path to scan.
    --deobfuscated     : Returns any secrets found in plaintext. Default: False.
    --max-file-size    : Max file size for scanning (in bytes).  Default: 10000.
    --output-sarif     : Generates SARIF report if filename is specified.
    --severity-level   : Set severity level for reporting.  Allowed values: CRITICAL, HIGH, LOW,
                         MEDIUM, UNKNOWN.  Default: MEDIUM.

Git repository scan

Ludvig can scan the entire history of a Git repository - so, be prepared for a long scan.

Scanning large repositories will be slow (unless someone can figure out a better way and submit a PR 😊 ).
But it will be able to recreate files that was deleted or modified and scan them.

Scan a Git repository (or a path containing multiple repositories): python -m ludvig git scan --path <path>

ludvig git scan --help

    ludvig git scan : Scans the history of a Git repository.

    --path  [Required] : Path to Git repository.
    --deobfuscated     : Returns any secrets found in plaintext. Default: False.
    --max-file-size    : Max file size for scanning (in bytes).  Default: 10000.
    --output-sarif     : Generates SARIF report if filename is specified.
    --severity-level   : Set severity level for reporting.  Allowed values: CRITICAL, HIGH, LOW,
                         MEDIUM, UNKNOWN.  Default: MEDIUM.

Adding files/directories to ignore list

Create a .ludvignore file such as:
