Disassembled firmware of multiple versions of the TDV-5010 Firmware type 968551. Implementing a 122-key PS/2 Keyboard using an Intel 8051 controller. To verify no mistakes were made when dissasembling the source material, the code was re-assembled using ASEM-51 (https://plit.de/asem-51/) and compared to the original dumps.
Four versions have been documented:
- v1.4
- v1.7
- v1.9
- v2.1
Check out the particular git commits for exact version-differences, otherwise have a look below for a brief changelog.
The following is the layout of the 967043 key-matrix, when used together with the 967042 or 968571 controller boards. The two unused positions in the matrix may have been reserved for unused keyhole-type interlock switches, and the state of these can be read by issuing a non-standard keyboard-command implemented in the firmware.
Keyboard keynames:
| O O O |
| |
| G00 G01 G02 G03 G04 G05 ** G07 G08 G09 G10 G12 G13 G14 G15 G47 G48<G49 G51 G52 G53 G54 |
| F47 F48 F49 F51 F52 F53 F54 |
| E00 E01 E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 E07 E08 E09 E10 E11 E12 E13<E14 E47 E48 E49 E51 E52 E53 E54 |
| D99 D00 D01 D02 D03 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D10 D11 D12 D13 D47 D48 D49 D51 D52 D53 D54 |
| C99 C00 C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 C10 C11 C12 C47 C48 C49 C51 C52 C53 C54^ |
| B99 B00 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B09 B10 B11 B12 B47 B48 B49 B51 B52 B53 B54 |
| A99 A00 A05 A10 A12 A47 A48 A49 A51 A53 |
| |
< = E13A, G48A
^ = C54A (duplicates C54)
** = G06 (duplicates G05)
Keynames in key datatable:
00-0F B99 D99 C99 G00 E00 A00 A05 A47 A10 A51 A12 A49 --- A48 G48A A99
10-1F B00 D00 C00 G01 E01 B02 B12 B49 B47 A53 B48 B52 --- B51 E13A B01
20-2F C02 D01 C01 G02 E02 B03 B10 C47 B11 B54 D13 C49 B53 C48 D51 C51
30-3F C04 D03 D04 G04 E04 B05 G15 G09 G10 C54A G14 F49 C53 G47 G48 C52
40-4F C05 C06 D05 G05 E05 B07 F47 G12 E14 D54 G13 G51 D53 F48 G49 D52
50-5F B04 D02 C03 G03 E03 B06 B09 C11 C10 E54 C12 D48 E53 D47 D49 E52
60-6F C07 C08 D06 G07 E06 B08 E09 E08 E10 F54 E11 E48 F53 E47 F51 F52
70-7F D09 D07 D08 G08 E07 C09 D12 D11 D10 G54 E12 E49 G53 E13 E51 G52
One of the first firmwares to be used in production. Dumped from a keyboard made in the later half of 1989. Controller is an Intel D8751, L9070024.
Known issues:
- Wrong scancode for key index 5Ah in scancode set 3 (scancode 5Ch used, copied over from scancode set 2. Should be scancode 53h, or eventually 5Dh with a US layout.)
- Set Key Mode command will end immediately after the mode of one key is set, with no Ack. This command is expected to keep accepting more keys until an Enable Scanning command is received.
- Key-Release for NOTIS keys in scancode set 1 will incorrectly be preceeded with a F0h (break-code prefix for scancode set 2 and 3), in addition to having the most signifficant bit set as expected.
An early version, dumped from a keyboard made in early 1990 using an AMD D87C51, B 016EBJZ NLB chip.
- Fixes the known issues in v1.4.
- Adds support for using ordinary num-pad keys if a navigation key is held and num-lock is on in scancode-set 1 and 2.
- Uses a slightly more robust check to detect potential data-collission.
This version is taken from a keyboard made in late 1990, also with an AMD D87C51, B 016EBJZ NLB chip.
- Implements a much more robust approach against data-collission.
The version used in most production keyboards of this type, and usually found with a mask-ROM based mass-produced 80C51. Dumped from a keyboard made in week 45 of 1992, and controller is a P-80C51AEY from MHS.
- Adds caching of any released shift-keys if an internal queue-overflow is ongoing.
- Small tweaks in the data-collission handling, resulting in better use of the queue-overflow flag.