This library makes the PAM API available for .NET applications.
The library is released under the .
The following example creates a PAM transaction and tries to authenticate a user.
// Create the service
var pamService = new PamService(
// The service options
new OptionsWrapper<PamSessionConfiguration>(new PamSessionConfiguration()));
// The PAM message handler
var messageHandler = new ConsoleMessageHandler();
// Create a PAM transaction
using (var pamTransaction = pamService.Start(messageHandler))
// Change the user prompt
pamTransaction.UserPrompt = "my customized user login prompt: ";
// Authenticate
// Ensure that the user isn't locked (etc...)
Console.WriteLine("User authentication for use {0} successful.", pamTransaction.UserName);
- .NET Core 3.0
TL/DR: It makes my life easier.
This library uses the native library loading mechanism of .NET Core 3.0. This is
required when you want to avoid using
, which is either only available
in a -dev
package, has a different name, depending on your operating system or
distribution or other problems.
And no: netstandard2.1 doesn't support this API.