The canonical weather application for Atari, ADAM, C64, Coco, and Apple2
June 2024 - This codebase is now in its own repo. It has been pulled from fujinet-apps and moved here. Please create all forks and enhancements to this application here via forks and PRs.
June 24 - This version has the following features
- Option feature the change polling frequency
- Only asks for weather no more than once every 10 minutes
- Calls location by ip only once instead of everytime the application is run
- You can manually enter the latitude and logitude if desired
- June 2024
- move build/makefile over to fenrocks makefile system
- adjusted BSS to fit in space allocated
- need the Mad-Pascal (MP) 32-bit Turbo Pascal compiler -
- no more info currently
- need zcc compiler for ADAM.
cc65 & fn-libs (pulled automatically) are used to build the Apple2
- git clone
- make clean && make PREFIX=/usr/local && sudo make install PREFIX=/usr/local
- Verify with this command:
- cl65 --print-target-path
- cc65 is used to build for the C64
- See Apple2 above for cc65 installations
- Color Computer builds with CMOC - CMOC is a 6809-generating cross-compiler for a large subset of the C language
- download lwtools, make, make install
- download cmoc, make, make install
- cc65 is used to build for the VIC
- See Apple2 above for cc65 installations
- Apple2 builds fine but it requires a API key from OpenWeatherMap
- You need to setup an account, request on-by-one and get an API Key
- You then must upgrade that key to be "Base Plan" - which is free for first 1000 calls
- you will need to register your name a credit card to get the plan
This isn't optimal but it's what required right now in June 2024, other API plans will be explored.
- Put the contents of the KEY (32 bytes long) into a file named '56000101.key'.
- Save the file in the /FujiNet directory of your Fujinet SD card.
- full path would be: SD/FujiNet/56000101.key
- Note capitalization
Work as expected...