NASA DAILY PHOTO | Visit here!
JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 - This project uses the NASA API, users can search for a specific picture by date. The information recieved from the API is filtered and displayed.
This project uses the NASA API, users can search for a specific picture by date. The information recieved from the API is filtered and displayed.
Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript I started this project by setting up my HTML template. I then started with my JavaScript and had to check to see what data I was receiving from the API so that I could choose what I wanted to use for my project. A j-frame had to be included for media returned from the API.
I encountered issues when including the video media API request. The NASA API documentation was a great reference for formatting the media.
The developer tools allowed me to view the object returned from the API. I was able to log each request and filter out the properties relevant for the project.