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Tom Mitchell edited this page May 15, 2017 · 1 revision

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Stitcher: The Omni GENI Experimenter-Defined Cross-Aggregate Topologies Client

stitcher is an Omni based script for instantiating multi aggregate topologies, including in particular experimenter defined topologies that cross multiple aggregates, aka 'network stitching' or just 'stitching'. Experimenters specify their desired network topology, and this client expands that request using the "Stitching Computation Service", and then attempts to reserve the necessary resources at each aggregate involved in the topology.

Note: This is complex functionality, relying on multiple services; expect problems. If issues arise, report them on the GENI Users mailing list. See below for known limitations.

Currently, GENI stitching creates point to point (not multipoint or broadcast) layer 2 circuits between particular interfaces on particular compute nodes. Over time, multipoint circuits may be possible at certain locations in the GENI network.

GENI stitching uses VLANs to create these circuits. Depending on where you are connecting resources, there may be very few VLANs available. In this case, your circuit may fail because other experimenters are using the VLANs. Over time, more VLANs will become available to GENI.

GENI stitching is enabled at only select aggregates (based on software capability of the aggregates, or based on provisioning of VLANs). Over time, this restriction will be lifted.


stitcher is a simple extension of Omni. Use stitcher just as you would use Omni. If you try to allocate (using CreateSliver or Allocate) resources at multiple aggregates, and specifically if you request a link that requires stitching, then the new code will be exercised (otherwise you are running Omni as usual).

To use stitcher:

  1. Be sure you can run Omni.

  2. Design a topology. Write a standard GENI v3 RSpec or build one with a graphical tool like Flack, jFed, or Jacks. For a stitched topology, include 1 or more <link>s between interfaces on 2 compute nodes. E.G.

    <link client_id="link-pg-utah1-ig-gpo1">
      <component_manager name=""/>
      <interface_ref client_id="pg-utah1:if0" />
      <component_manager name=""/>
      <interface_ref client_id="ig-gpo1:if0" />
  3. Create and renew a slice.

  4. Call stitcher just like Omni, but using

    $ python ./src/ createsliver <valid slice name> <path to RSpec>

    (assuming a valid omni_config in one of the usual spots)

  5. Stitcher will make allocations at ALL aggregates required for your topology. (It ignores the -a option.) This may take a while.

  6. Examine the resulting manifest RSpec. Stitcher returns a single combined manifest RSpec, covering all the resources just reserved. XML comments at the top of the RSpec summarize the aggregates at which reservations were made and the circuits reserved. Also be sure to notice in the stitcher output when your resources expire - particularly if they expire at different times.

  7. Use your resources.

  8. Delete your resources when done. Be sure to delete resources from all aggregates - including any reservations at transit networks you did not specify in your original request RSpec. If you use to delete your resources and supply no -a argument, stitcher will delete from all aggregates at which it reserved resources. If you use omni, you must specify which aggregates to invoke (or use --useSliceAggregates).

    For example, to fully delete your reservation:

    $ python ./src/ deletesliver <valid slice name>

    To delete from only 1 aggregate:

    $ python ./src/ -a <URL> deletesliver <valid slice name>


createsliver or allocate commands with an RSpec that is bound to multiple aggregates (one that requires allocations at multiple aggregates), including those with stitched links and GRE links, will be processed by the stitcher code. All other calls will be passed directly to Omni.

The same request RSpec will be submitted to every aggregate required for your topology. Stitcher will create reservations at each of these aggregates for you. ''Note'' however that stitcher only knows how to contact aggregates that are either listed in the aggregate nickname cache (as most production aggregates are), or are in involved in the circuits you request - nodes at new or non GENI aggregates that you are trying to reserve in the RSpec that are not linked with a stitching link may not be reserved, because stitcher may not know the URL to contact that aggregate.

All calls use AM APIv2 by default currently, due to aggregate limitations. If an aggregate does not speak at least AM API v2, stitcher exits.

AM API v3 is supported where possible. If you invoke stitcher with -V3, the stitcher uses APIv3 at aggregates that support APIv3. Stitcher will in this case only allocate the resources at those aggregates. Therefore, you will need to use omni later to call omni -a <AM> -V3 provision <slice> and omni -a <AM> -V3 poa <slice> geni_start to complete your reservation. You will then also want to use stitcher to renew your resources, as in stitcher renewsliver <slice> <new time>

Your input request RSpec does ''not'' need a stitching extension, but should be a single RSpec for all resources that you want in your slice. To create a request that needs stitching, include at least 1 <link> elements with more than 1 different <component_manager> elements (and no <shared_vlan> element and no <link_type> element of other than VLAN). Also note that since the same request RSpec goes to all aggregates, that all nodes must be bound to specific aggregates.

The result of stitcher is a single combined GENI v3 manifest RSpec, showing all resources reserved as a result of this request.

Resource expiration is determined by local aggregates. Some aggregates expires resources in 5 days unless renewed. stitcher attempts to minimize the number of different times at which your resources expire, which sometims means your initial expiration at a particular aggregate will be sooner that it might otherwise have been. Always pay attention to the reported resource expiration when stitcher completes, and renew your resources (using stitcher renewsliver) when necessary.

stitcher output is controlled using the same options as Omni, including -o to send RSpecs to files, and --WARN to turn down most logging. However, stitcher always saves your combined result manifest RSpec to a file (named '<slicename>-manifest-rspec-multiam-combined.xml'), unless you specify the --tostdout option. Currently, stitcher will (at least temporarily) write several files to the current working directory (results from GetVersion and SliverStatus, plus several manifest RSpecs) (change this directory using the option --fileDir).

stitcher output can be all placed in a single directory by using the --fileDir option. This is particularly useful when running multiple stitcher instances in parallel.

By default, stitcher logs basic information to the console, and detailed debug information to a file named stitcher.log, using the logging config file gcf\sticher_logging.conf. Log format and content can be controlled with the omni options --logoutput, --logconfig, and --debug. If you run into problems with stitcher, you may be asked to submit the debug logs found in stitcher.log. (Logs from your last few runs of stitcher are saved in backup files. Control the number of backups using the --logFileCount option.)

When complete, stitcher writes a file to ~/.gcf (or the directory specified by --fileDir), listing the aggregates at which it made reservations. This file is used by stitcher later to drive calls, e.g. to sliverstatus or renewsliver or deletesliver. This file is named something like slice.hrn-amlist.txt.

To recreate the combined manifest RSpec for your entire slice as one file, you can call stitcher with the listresource or describe command.

  • Specify --useSliceAggregates to ignore the local stitcher file of aggregates in your slice, and instead query the clearinghouse.
  • The combined RSpec will be saved to a file as usual.
  • The return signature for the stitcher call (when used as a tool) matches that for Omni, with the combined manifest stored under combined.

When done, be sure to delete your reservations, at ''all'' aggregates involved in your reservation. stitcher remembers the aggregates at which it made reservations (see above), so this is easy to do using:

    $ python ./src/ deletesliver <valid slice name>

Note that stitcher will not delete reservations at other aggregates not involved in stitching. To partially delete your reservation or delete at these other aggregates, supply the necessary -a options.

Be sure to see the Known Issues section below.


stitcher is a simple extension of Omni. As such, it uses all the same options as Omni. stitcher however adds several options:

  • --excludehop <hop URN>: When supplied, the Stitching Computation Service will exclude the specified switch/port from ANY computed stitching paths. You can supply this argument many times.
    • Alternately, you can exclude only certain VLAN tags from being used at a particular hop, by appending =<VLAN range> to the hop URN. For example: --excludehop
  • --includehop <hop URN>: When supplied, the Stitching Computation Service will insist on including the specified switch/port on ANY computed stitching paths. You can supply this argument many times. Use this with caution, particularly if your request has multiple <link>s. For many cases, see the following option instead.
  • --includehoponpath <hop URN> <path id or link client_id>: When supplied, the Stitching Computation Service will insist on including the specified switch/port on only the named computed stitching path. You can supply this argument many times. Use this with caution. Note that this only includes the hop on the named link, in contrast to --includehop. Note also that a hop cannot both be excluded (via --excludehop) and included (via --includehop or --includehoponpath).

Together, the above options should allow you some control over the paths used for your circuits, without requiring that you construct the full RSpec stitching extension yourself.

Additionally, these options are used for some topologies:

  • --defaultCapacity: If not specified, set all stitched links to request the specified capacity (in Kbps). Default is '20000' meaning ~20Mbps.

  • --fixedEndpoint: Use this if you want a dynamic circuit that ends not at a node, but at a switch (E.G. because you have a static VLAN to a fixed non-AM controlled host from there.). This option adds a fake node and interface_ref to the link. Note that your request RSpec will still need >= 2 component_managers on the <link>, and you will need a skeletal stitching extension with 1 hop being the switch/VLAN where you want to end, and a 2nd being the AM where you want to end up.

  • --noExoSM: Avoid using the ExoGENI ExoSM. If an aggregate is an ExoGENI aggregate and the URL we get is the ExoSM URL, then try to instead use the local rack URL, and therefore only local rack allocated VMs and VLANs. This is inconsistent with --useExoSM and implies --noEGStitching (use GENI stitching where possible). For this to work, your omni_config or the base aggregate nicknames must have an entry for the local ExoGENI rack that specifies both the aggregate URN as well as the URL, EG:,,,
  • --useExoSM: Try to use the ExoGENI ExoSM for ExoGENI reservations. If we get an individual ExoGENI rack URL for an aggregate, then try to use the ExoSM URL. This is inconsistent with --noExoSM or --noEGStitching or --noEGStitchingOnLink; ExoGENI stitching wil be used where applicable. For this to work, your omni_config or the base aggregate nicknames must have an entry for the ExoGENI rack that specifies the URN and URL, as well as an entry for the ExoSM.

  • --noEGStitching: Force use of GENI stitching (send the request to the SCS) on all links, and not ExoGENI stitching between EG aggregates. This is inconsistent with --useExoSM.

  • --noEGStitchingOnLink <link clien_id>: Force use of GENI stitching (send the request to the SCS) only on the named Link, and do not use ExoGENI stitching on this link. This is inconsistent with --useExoSM. You can supply this argument many times for multiple links between ExoGENI resources.

Other options you should not need to use:

  • --fileDir: Save all files to this directory, and not the usual directory used by stitcher (/tmp, CWD or ~). This allows multiple stitcher instances to be run in parallel.
  • --logoutput to change the name of the stitcher logging file (default is stitcher.log).
  • --logFileCount to change the number of backup stitcher log files to keep (default is 5).
  • --ionRetryIntervalSecs <# seconds>: # of seconds to sleep between reservation attempts at a DCN based aggregate (e.g. MAX). Default is 600 (10 minutes), to allow routers to reset.
  • --ionStatusIntervalSecs <# seconds>: # of seconds to sleep between sliverstatus calls at a DCN based aggregate (e.g. MAX). Default is 30 (seconds).
  • --scsURL <url>: URL at which the Stitching Computation Service runs. Use the default.
  • The default may be updated over time via a new omni_defaults entry in the agg_nick_cache.
  • --noReservation: Do not try to reserve at aggregates; instead, just save the expanded request RSpec.
  • --logconfig to use a non standard logging configuration. Stitcher expects one StreamHandler for the console. Default configuration is in gcf\stitcher_logging.conf.
  • --timeout: Maximum number of minutes to allow stitcher to run, before timing out. Default is no timeout (0 minutes). Note that by far most runs complete within 45 minutes, and usually much less. Some successful stitching runs take 90 minutes or more. On timeout, existing reservations are deleted.
  • --noAvailCheck: Disable checking for currently available VLAN tags at aggregates that support doing such checks.
  • --genRequest: Generate the fully expanded request (including SCS inputs and checking current availability), but do not do the reservation. Instead, save that request to a file.
  • --fakeModeDir <directory>: When supplied, does not make any actual reservations at aggregates. For testing only.
  • --savedSCSResults: Use the specified JSON file of saved results from calling the SCS, instead of actually calling the SCS.
  • --useSCSugg: Always use the VLAN tag suggested by the SCS. Usually stitcher asks the aggregate to pick, despite what the SCS suggested.
  • --noDeleteAtEnd: When specified, do not delete any successful reservations when the overall request has failed, or when the user has interrupted stitcher with Ctrl-C.
  • --noTransitAMs: When specified, stop when the only aggregates ready to reserve are those added by the SCS (which we assume are transit or intermediate aggregates).
    • In both these cases, finish by printing out how many reservations you have, and saving a combined manifest RSpec for your reservations, and a combined request RSpec for the reservations that you still need to make. The experimenter must manually edit this request to fill in the proper suggestedVLANRange and vlanRangeAvailability in the proper hops in the request's stitching extension. See the comments at the top of the RSpec: get_vlantag_from indicates what other hop the given hop should take its VLAN tag from. Have Reservation? indicates if you have a reservation here. And AM Depends on indicates which other AMs must be reserved first before you make a reservation here.
  • --noSCS: Do not call the SCS even on stitched topologies. This might be useful to reserve a topology previously expanded using --noReservation, or a topology which has a stitching extension already and which for some reason the SCS gives an error on.

Tips and Details

In running stitcher, follow these various tips:

  • Create a single GENI v3 request RSpec for all resources at all aggregates you want linked. Stitcher sends the same request RSpec to all aggregates involved in your request.

  • Be sure all nodes in the request are bound to specific aggregates.

  • This script can take a while - it must make reservations at all the aggregates, and keeps retrying at aggregates that can't provide matching VLAN tags. Stitcher must pause 45 seconds or more between retries. Be patient.

  • Stitcher will retry when something goes wrong, up to a point. If the failure is isolated to a single aggregate failing to find a VLAN, stitcher retries at just that aggregate (currently up to 50 times). If the problem is larger, stitcher will go back to the Stitching Computation Service for a new path recommendation (possibly excluding a failed hop or a set of failed VLAN tags). Stitcher will retry that up to 5 times. After that or on other kinds of errors, stitcher will delete any existing reservations and exit.

  • When the script completes, you will have reservations at each of the aggregates where you requested nodes in your request RSpec, plus any intermediate aggregates required to complete your circuit (e.g. AL2S)

  • or none, if your request failed.

  • Stitcher makes reservations at ''all'' aggregates involved in your stitching circuits. Note however that stitcher only knows how to contact aggregates that are either listed in the aggregate nickname cache (as most production aggregates are), or are in involved in the circuits you request - nodes at new or non GENI aggregates that you are trying to reserve in the RSpec that are not linked with a stitching link may not be reserved, because stitcher may not know the URL to contact that aggregate.

  • The script return is a single GENI v3 manifest RSpec for all the aggregates where you have reservations for this request, saved to a file named '-manifest-rspec-multiam-combined.xml'

  • Stitcher remembers the aggregates where it made reservations. If you use for later renewsliver or sliverstatus or deletesliver or other calls, stitcher will invoke the command at all the right aggregates.

  • If you want to check what aggregates are stitchable, you should view the GENI stitching sites list online. You should only try to stitch among aggregates listed here - all other requests will fail. To check programmatically for a list of sites, including those still in testing:

    cd <omni install directory>
    python src/gcf/omnilib/stitch/ --listaggregates --key <path-to-key> --cert <path-to-cert>
  • Stitching to fixed endpoints:

    • A fixed endpoint is any switch/port that happens to connect to other things but not an explicit node. Use the --fixedEndpoint option to be sure aggregates can handle this.
    • Typically when using this option, you supply a partial stitching extension in your request RSpec, indicating as hop1 a GENI aggregate with compute resources, and the other end your switch or other fixed endpoint. This should correspond to a main body link which has an interface at the GENI aggregate but no interface on a 2nd aggregate.
  • Stitching to ExoGENI aggregates

    • ExoGENI reservations can come from the specific rack, or from the ExoSM's allocation of resources at that rack. You can control in stitcher whether you use the local racks or the ExoSM, by using the --useExoSM or --noExoSM options.
    • By default, stitcher uses ExoGENI stitching between ExoGENI aggregates, by submitting such requests to the ExoSM. Supplying --noEGStitching forces stitcher to try to use GENI stitching between all such aggregates. Use --noEGStitchingOnLink to force using GENI stitching only on the named link between ExoGENI racks.
  • Be sure to see the list of Known Issues below.

Stitching Computation Service

For stitching, the request RSpec must specify the exact switches and ports to use to connect each aggregate, specifying a full path between the aggregates. However, experimenters do not need to do this themselves. Instead, there is a Stitching Computation Service (SCS) which will fill in these details, including any transit networks at which you need a reservation (like AL2S). For details on this service, see the MAX SCS wiki page.

Experimenters can of course specify this information themselves, using the stitching extension.

The Stitching Computation Service (SCS), also provides hints to the stitcher script on the order in which to make reservations at the various aggregates.

The SCS URL is set by code, may be updated via a new value in the aggregate nickname cache, and may be over-ridden by developers or testers using the --scsURL option.

This service was developed by engineers at MAX, and the default instance is operated by Internet2.

Known issues with this service can be found on the GENI Trac

AL2S Aggregate

Many connections will cross Internet2's AL2S network. To support this, Internet2 has developed an AL2S / OESS aggregate. This aggregate accepts calls using the GENI Aggregate Manager API, and translates those into calls to the Internet2 OESS system.

This aggregate has no compute resources - it exists only to provision circuits between other aggregates. When you request a stitched link between 2 aggregates, often stitcher and the SCS will automatically add AL2S to your request to provide connectivity.

Known issues with this aggregate can be found on the GENI Trac

ION Aggregate

Previously Internet2 ran an aggregate for their ION network. This aggregate, as with the ION service, has been decommissioned. The ION AM translated GENI calls into OSCARS calls, and allocated dynamic circuits to complete stitched links. This service and aggregate have been replaced by AL2S.


Stitching uses several complex services (this client, the Stitching Computation Service, the AL2S aggregate, as well as stitching implementations at aggregates). Therefore, bugs and rough edges are expected. Please note failure conditions, expect occasional failures, and report any apparent bugs on the GENI Users mailing list.

As with Omni errors, when reporting problems please include as much detail as possible:

  • Attach the stitcher debug logs found by default in stitcher.log
    • If you cannot send us this file, please send:
      • python src/ --version
      • The exact commandline you used to invoke stitcher
      • At least the last few lines of your call to stitcher, and all the logs if possible
  • The request RSpec you used with stitcher
  • The resulting manifest RSpec if the script succeeded
  • Listing of any new rspec or other files created in /tmp and your current working directory (or your custom directory from --fileDir)

See the list of Known Issues below.

Common Error Messages

Fatal errors – something is wrong with your request

StitchingServiceFailedError: Error from Stitching Service: code 3: 
MxTCE ComputeWorker return error message
Cannot find the set of paths for the RequestTopology. '.
  • Errors like this mean there is no GENI layer 2 path possible between your specified endpoints. Did you specify an excludehop or includehop you shouldn't have? Or include an aggregate that does not support stitching? Alternatively, it may mean that stitcher tried all available VLAN tags for one of your aggregates, and got a stitching failure on each - probably because all tags were not available.

Reservation request impossible at <Aggregate ...>

  • Something about your request cannot be satisfied. The rest of the message may say more.

Node ... is unbound in request

  • One of the nodes in your request did not specify an aggregate at which to reserve the resources. All nodes must be bound to a specific aggregates (include a component_manager_id attribute).

Inconsistent ifacemap

  • Your request is impossible. Try the -–fixedEndpoint option if that is relevant.

Not enough bandwidth to connect some nodes:

  • You requested a link with more bandwidth than is available. Edit the capacity attribute in your RSpec, or try specifying --defaultCapacity with a smaller number, or pick a different aggregate, or try again later.

Too many VMs requested on physical host OR Not enough nodes with fast enough interfaces

  • You have asked for more nodes than are available. Use fewer nodes or a different aggregate, or try again later.

*** ERROR: mapper OR Could not verify topo OR Could not map to resources

  • You may have asked for more nodes or bandwidth than are available. Or your request may be malformed. The error message may say more, or you can ask on

Hostname > 63 char

  • Try a shorter client_id (node name) or slice name

no edge hop

  • Your request RSpec likely lists a component_manager naming an aggregate which has no interface on the given link. Perhaps a copy-and-paste error?

Duplicate link

  • Do you have 2 links with the same client_id? Edit your request.

Must delete existing slice/sliver OR CreateSliver: Existing record OR Rspec error: VM with name ... already exists

  • You already have a reservation in this slice at this aggregate. Delete it first.

Malformed keys

  • Your SSH keys (from your omni_config usually) are malformed.

Edge domain does not exist

  • Your ExoGENI request is malformed in some way

check_image_size error OR Incorrect image URL in ImageProxy

  • Check your ExoGENI disk image specification

Insufficient numCPUCores

  • The ExoGENI AM has no room for your VM. Stitcher will try the ExoSM / the local rack to see if it has room.

Need node id for links

  • You likely have a typo in an interface client_id in your link.

....: Edge iface mismatch when stitching

  • You have listed 2 nodes at the same AM on the same stitched link. Each stitched link should be between 2 interfaces on 2 different nodes/AMs.

RSpec requires AM ... which is not in workflow and URL is unknown!

  • Check your RSpec does not have a typo in the component_manager. You asked for resources at an unknown aggregate.

Malformed arguments: *** verifygenicred

  • There was a problem with your credentials. Try renewing your slice?

Malformed rspec

  • There was a problem with your request RSpec. Do you have a typo?

Duplicate node

  • 2 of your nodes have the same client_id. Change one.

No stitching path to or Malformed request? Wrong link type?

  • There is a problem with your request RSpec. Did you specify the wrong link type?

such a short life for a sliver or Renew your slice

  • Try renewing your slice. Your resources would expire too soon as requested.

Error encountered converting RSpec to NDL

  • ExoGENI did not understand something in your request RSpec.

Embedding workflow ERROR: 1:Insufficient resources or Unknown domain

  • This ExoGENI error may mean the aggregate ran out of VLAN tags or some other resource. Alternately, it may mean you sent your request to the wrong ExoGENI aggregate (included an incorrect URN in your request RSpec or used the --noExoSM option mistakenly.

Embedding workflow ERROR

  • ExoGENI aggregates cannot handle requests that mention other ExoGENI aggregates. Typically, stitcher sends such requests to the ExoSM. Did you supply --noExoSM by mistake? Alternatively, there may be an error in your request RSpec.


  • A generic aggregate error. Perhaps try again?

this user is not on the controller's whitelist

Invalid slice urn

  • This is a fatal error from ExoGENI. Did you request more than 1 GENI stitching link at a single ExoGENI site?

Errors in the tool – you may need to report this as a bug

… has request tag XXX that is already in use by …

  • Stitcher made an error and picked a tag that is in use. Report this bug.

SCS gave error: …

  • The Stitching Computation Service had an error. You may need to report it.

Transient errors – stitcher can handle these

Circuit reservation failed at … (…..). Try again from the SCS

  • An aggregate reported an error. Stitcher will try a new path from the SCS to see if that solves your problem (it may not).

Could not reserve vlan tags OR Error reserving vlan tag for … OR vlan tag … not available OR Could not find a free vlan tag OR Could not reserve a vlan tag for OR Exception: requested VLAN unavailable OR Error in building the dependency tree, probably not available vlan path

  • Some VLAN tag you requested is not available. Stitcher will try to find another and try again.

AddPersonToSite: Invalid argument: No such site

  • This is the first time this aggregate has seen your project. Stitcher will retry and the error should go away. If not, try again.

Topology too complex

  • Stitcher cannot find a new VLAN tag to try itself, but will retry your request at the SCS if possible.

After too many transient errors, stitcher gives up

Stitching reservation failed X times. Last error: …

  • Stitcher goes to the Stitching Service for a path a limited number of times. After that, it gives up with this error. Typically this means there are not enough VLANs or bandwidth to get to your aggregates.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Aggregate support is limited. See
  • Links are point to point only - each link connects an interface on a compute node to another interface on a node.
  • Links between aggregates use VLANs. QinQ is not supported at any current aggregates, and VLAN translation support is limited. VLAN tags available at each aggregate are limited, and may run out.
  • Stitching to ExoGENI is limited:
    • Reservations at ExoGENI AMs work.
      • Previously if you requested resources at multiple ExoGENI AMs, Stitcher would use the ExoSM for all ExoGENI reservations. Currently, stitcher allows you to continue using the individual ExoGENI racks, unless you specify --useExoSM.
    • Stitching within ExoGENI, by submitting a request to the ExoSM with only ExoGENI resources, works fine.
    • Stitching between ExoGENI and non ExoGENI resources only works at a very few ExoGENI sites currently.
    • Due to limitations in the stitcher tool, you cannot reserve some ExoGENI resources from the ExoSM, and some from an individual ExoGENI rack. You must either use all ExoSM resources, or all resources at an individual rack. See options --useExoSM and --noExoSM
  • Some aggregates require an explicit capacity to be requested on links. For this reason, stitcher ensures that all requests for stitched links include an explicit capacity (whose value defaults to the --defaultCapacity option).
  • Works around issues and
  • AM API v3 support is limited. Users must manually provision, and VLAN tag negotiation is not supported.
  • AM API v1 only aggregates are not supported
  • Aggregates do not support Update, so you cannot add a link to an existing reservation.
  • Some fatal errors at aggregates are not recognized, so the script keeps trying longer than it should.
  • Known stitcher defects are listed on the project Github repository.
  • Python2.6 has a 60 second delay talking to the SSL protected SCS run by Internet2. If you are running python2.6, use --scsURL

To Do items

  • With ExoGENI AMs: After reservation, loop checking sliverstatus for success or failure, then get the manifest after that
  • Thread all calls to omni
  • Summarize errors at the end of the run.
  • Support stitch-to-aggregate at ProtoGENI based aggregates if supported
  • Clean up hard-coded aggregate-specific sliver expiration policy handling
  • Fully support AM API v3; specifically, provision reservations on success
  • Consolidate constants
  • Fully handle negotiating among AMs for a VLAN tag to use
    • As in when the returned suggestedVLANRange is not what was requested
  • fakeMode is incomplete
  • Tune counters, sleep durations, etc
  • Return a struct with detailed results (not just comments in manifest)
  • Return a struct on errors
  • opts.warn is used to suppress omni output. Clean that up. A scriptMode option?
  • Implement confirmSafeRequest() to ensure no dangerous requests are made
  • Expand to additional aggregates
  • Support multipoint circuits

Related Reading

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