DIL (Design Informatics Lab) joined the Smart Drones research group of the NCTU PAIR Labs. Our primary goals of research are two-fold:
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): Interactions between pilot and drone, M2M communications.
- Spatial Informatics: Drone-asisted environmental sensing, social IoT.
There are few types of models in the list.
- Merged high-poly models are mostly captured by drone and modeled by Altizure.
- Hand-crafted low-poly models are mostly modeled in SketchUp or Rhino by measuring.
Files ready for download:
- 交大圖書館 NCTU Main Library (309MB merged high-poly)
- 交大圖書館周邊 NCTU Mall (376MB merged high-poly)
- 斗六糖廠 Douliu Sugar Factory (344MB merged high-poly)
- 電資大樓二樓中庭 (695KB, hand-crafted low-poly)