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Analysis of coupled axial and lateral deformation of roots in soil


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Analysis of coupled axial and lateral deformation of roots in soil

Notes 27/09/2018, GJMeijer
Python code to analyse the behaviour of roots loaded in direct shear by solving the (large deformation) bending equation, taking i to account both axial and bending stiffness.

Publication details

This code belong to journal publication:

Analysis of coupled axial and lateral deformation of roots in soil
GJ Meijer, D Muir Wood, JA Knappett, AG Bengough, T Liang
International Journal for Analytical and Numerical Methods in Geomechanics
2018, volume x, issue x, page xx-xx
DOI: xxx

This code can be used to reproduce some of the shear tests with ABS described in this paper (Liang et al.)


Ensure that all python files (.py) and input files (.csv) are placed in the same directory. Analysis can be run by executing the script. In the first lines of, some user-defined settings are required

  • The name of the input parameter file, including extension
  • Some booleans to decide whether results should be plotted, saved etc.

Python requirements

Code is written in Python 3 Executing required installed modules (apart from standard modules):

  • SciPy
  • NumPy
  • MatPlotLib

Notes on data format


Throughout the code, units used:

  • Length in millimeters (mm)
  • Force in newtons (N)
  • Angles in radians (rad) Note that therefore, in constrast to common geotech practice:
  • Stesses and stiffnesses are in (MPa)
  • Unit weights are in (N/mm3)

Input parameter file - required parameters

Required columns:

Parameter Type Unit Description
RunID integer - Run identifier (ensure these are all unique values for every row)
ModelName string - Name for this analysis. Name is used to create output directory with results
NodeFile string - File name with node input data, including .csv extension
SegmentFile string - File name with segment input data, including .csv extension
phi double rad Soil peak angle of internal friction (used to calculate lateral resistance)
phi_cs double rad Soil critical state angle (used to calculate effect of soil confinement on additional shear resistance)
delta double rad Interface friction angle between soil and root
gamma double N/mm3 Soil effective unit weight
K double - Coefficient of lateral earth pressure
sigmav0 double MPa Vertical effective stress at the soil surface
shearplane_param double mm Shear plane thickness parameter (b_sh) in paper
shearplane_depth double mm Shear plane depth, at Y=0
shearplane_angle double rad Shear plane angle
n_node integer - Number of nodes per segment
n_step_max integer - Maximum number of displacement steps
n_iter_max integer - maximum number of iterations (to find solution for a single displacement step)
uext_inc0 double mm Initial shear displacement step size
uext_max double mm Maximum shear displacement (analysis stops once this value is reached)
uext_factor_increase double - Multiplaction factor to automatically increase displacement step size if suitable
uext_factor_decrease double - Multiplaction factor to decrease displacement step if solution if solution not found
uext_incmin double mm Minimum displacement step size (if lower required, analysis stops)
uext_incmax double mm Maximum displacement step size
solve_tolerance double - Solver tolerance of <scipy.integrate.solve_bvp> solver in Python
SaveStep integer - Save full root and soil data every <SaveStep> displacement step

Root geometry

The root architecture is described by two seperate files:

  • Nodal data - This defined the position and displacement boundary conditions of individual nodes (points) in the geometry
  • Segment data - This defines the connections between two nodes. For each connection, segment properties such as stiffness of diameter are given Theoretically, there is no limit to the amount of segments, although it can be expected that the code will become less efficient with many segments (as the number of differential equations to solve increases)

Node input data format

Required columns:

Parameter Type Unit Description
NodeID integer - Node identifier (ensure these are all unique values)
X double mm Global X-position of node
Y double mm Global Y-position of node
bound_X integer - X-displacement constrained (value=1) or free (0)
bound_Y integer - Y-displacement constrained (value=1) or free (0)
bound_Theta integer - rotation constrained (value=1) or free (0)

Segment input data format

Required columns:

Parameter Type Unit Description
SegmentID integer - Segment identifier (ensure these are all unique values)
NodeID1 double - Node identifier of node at start of segment
NodeID2 double - Node identifier of node at end of segment
d double mm Root diameter
Et1 double MPa Coefficient in root tensile stiffness (( \xi_1 ) in paper)
Et2 double - Coefficient in root tensile stiffness (\xi_2 in paper)
Et3 double MPa Coefficient in root tensile stiffness (\xi_3 in paper)
Eb1 double MPa Coefficient in root bending stiffness (\xi_1 in paper)
Eb2 double - Coefficient in root bending stiffness (\xi_2 in paper)
Eb3 double MPa Coefficient in root bending stiffness (\xi_3 in paper)

General remarks on how the code works

  • The program loads all input data in input parameter file specified Every line in this file represents a single analysis (i.e. a single direct shear tests) Required parameters are given above, as are node and segment parameters for the root architecture Subsequently, the code runs through every run in sequence
  • The set of differential equations and boundary conditions is solved for every displacement step. Initial step size is uext_inc0 The initial guess required is based on the last solution When no solutions can be found, the displacement step is decreased (multiplying current step times uext_factor_decrease) to increase the chance that the system will be solved.
  • If the displacement step becomes too small (smaller than uext_incmin), the analysis for this run will automatically stop. The displacement step is multiplied by uext_factor_increase when steady solutions are found systematically, but will never be larger than uext_incmax. The analysis stops when no solution can be found within acceptable step sizes, or when the final displacement uext_max is reached
  • The set of differential equations is written in a set of first order differential equations, as is a requirement for the solve_bvp solver in SciPy. All differential equations are normalised by segment length.
  • The order of variables is: theta, dtheta/ds. d^2theta/ds^2, eps, u, w. When there are multiple segments, these are added in sequence of occurance in the dsegm segment data dictionary (so first all variables for the the first segments, than all those for the second etc.)


Depending on the output settings in, output will be generated and saved. When data_save equals True, the code prints output .csv files to a new directory Results. Subfolders will be created based on the ModelName and RunID given in the input parameter file. Data will be saved for every SaveStep displacement step for both soil and root, as well as summary data for the whole analyses.

Output - Root

For every displacement step, a .csv is created containing the following fields:

Parameter Type Unit Description
s double mm Local coordinate along the (displaced) root axis
t double rad Root rotation (root coordinate system)
dt double rad/mm Root curvature (dt/ds)
ddt double rad/mm2 Derivative of root curvature (d^2t/ds^2)
eps double - Root axial strain
u double mm Root axial displacement (root coordinate system)
w double mm Root lateral displacement (root coordinate system)
x double mm Root x-position (root coordinate system)
y double mm Root y-position (root coordinate system)
Xr double mm Root X-position (global coordinate system)
Yr double mm Root Y-position (global coordinate system)
umob double mm Relative axial soil-root displacement (delta u in paper)
wmob double mm Relative lateral soil-root displacement (delta w in paper)
SegmentID integer - Segment identifier

Output - Soil

For every displacement step, a .csv is created containing the following fields:

Parameter Type Unit Description
Xs double mm Soil X-position (global coordinate system)
Ys double mm Soil Y-position (global coordinate system)
SegmentID integer - Segment identifier

Output - Summary

Three summary data files are outputted

  • ModelName + _Results_ShearForceDisp.csv:
Parameter Type Unit Description
StepID integer mm Displacement step identifier
uext double mm Shear displacement
F_total double N Total root-reinforcement in middle of shear plane
  • ModelName + _Results_ShearReinforcement.csv:
Parameter Type Unit Description
StepID integer mm Displacement step identifier
SegmentID integer - Segment identifier
F_direct double N Direct contribution of force in root to shear resistance (force component along shear displacement direction)
F_comfine double N Additional normal force on shear plane due to roots (positive force compresses soil further)
F_total double N Total root-reinforcement in middle of shear plane
  • ModelName + _Results_Stresses.csv:
Parameter Type Unit Description
StepID integer mm Displacement step identifier
SegmentID integer - Segment identifier
sig_ax_shearplane double MPa Axial stress at shear plane
sig_be_shearplane double MPa Bending stress at shear plane
sig_sh_shearplane double MPa Max. shear stress at shear plane
sig_ax_max double MPa Max axial stress in segment
sig_be_max double MPa Max bending stress in segment
sig_sh_max double MPa Max shear stress in segment
sig_fi_max double MPa Max stress in ultimate fibre in segment
sig_fi_max_ax double MPa Axial stress component of sig_fi_max
sig_fi_max_be double MPa Bending stress component of sig_fi_max
X_sig_ax_max double mm Global (displaced) X-position where sig_ax_max occurs
X_sig_be_max double mm Global (displaced) X-position where sig_be_max occurs
X_sig_sh_max double mm Global (displaced) X-position where sig_sh_max occurs
X_sig_fi_max double mm Global (displaced) X-position where sig_fi_max occurs


Analysis of coupled axial and lateral deformation of roots in soil







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