Assorted things for releasing HELICS in package repositories
This has the workflows needed to begin the process of updating packages for new HELICS releases.
Update HELICS Packages: bump the HELICS version number for pyhelics and matHELICS (and eventually trigger the below package updates as well)
Spack Package Update: creates a PR to update the HELICS spack package
MINGW Package Update: creates a PR to update the HELICS MINGW package
HELICS Version Update: automatically called from the release build workflow in GMLC-TDC/HELICS
Errors running this workflows are likely either a temporary network connectivity issue, regex that needs updating, issue sync'ing the GMLC-TDC mirror of an upstream package repository, or a change to the GitHub API for creating PRs.
A Python pip package with the HELICS apps (helics_app, helics_broker, etc) - PyPI, TestPyPI
Updating this package on PyPI is triggered by creating a new release in GMLC-TDC/helics-packaging
This previously built the Python wheels for PyPI using swig. It has been replaced by pyhelics A Python pip package with the HELICS python interface - PyPI, TestPyPI