Is a Node, Express, and MySQL powered note-taking application. You have the ability to create and delete notes from a MySQL database.
Deployed link:
Download and install on your computer:
- MySQL Workbench
- NodeJS
- Clone the Repository
- Make a .gitignore file and add the following lines to it. This will tell git not to track these files, and won't be commited to Github.
In the in your .env file put MYSQL_KEY='enter_your_password_here (the one you setup when you installed MySQL). This will allow to connect with oyur workbench.
After you've completed the above steps you then have to install the following node modules in the command line in terminal/bash:
npm install <package name>
* dotenv
* mysql
* express
To run program type in the command line:
- node server.js
- This will log you into the MySQL database and terminal will state your connected.
- Then go to your browser type in localhost:3000, this should bring you to the Note Taking app home page to enter notes or view notes.
- Once you type in a note and hit submit, click on view notes. You will see the note you just submitted.
- If you type in the browser localhost:3000/api/newNote you will see your list of notes in JSON format.
- MySQL Workbench
- javascript
- node.js
- - for node modules