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Juniors Spring Intensive Deliverable Proposal

This project uses Scaledrone's API.

My Name:

Gideon Crawley

Project Name:

Incog - A Chat Room with randomized Avatars

Is your project New or Old?


Is your project Solo or Team?



Building a Chat App with React.js and ScaleDrone API

Challenges I Anticipate

I'm going to be learning some new stuff I've never used before now that we're doing the intensive remotely, I'm going to have to really be self-motivated - i find it tough to get work done outside of school, so this will be a good challenge for me to structure my time on my own.

Personal Achievement Goals:

Each teammate must achieve 2 of 3 of their self-set personal achievement goals. If you're not on a team, delete the other teammate sections as needed.

Goal 1

Build functional chat

Goal 2

Learn how to use APIs Goal 3 - make it look good w/CSS styling

Evaluation - You must meet the following criteria in order to pass the intensive:

Students must get proposal approved before starting the project to pass SOLO must score an average above a 2.5 on the rubric TEAM Must score an average above 3 on the rubric Each individual completes 2 of the 3 personal achievement goals from their proposal

Pitch your product Approval Checklist

If I have a team project, I wrote this proposal to represent my work and only my work I have completed all the necessary parts of this proposal I linked my proposal in the Spring Intensive Tracker

Sign off

Student Name: Gideon Crawley

Make School Advisor Name - Mitchell