Title: Is early formal childcare a potential equalizer? How attending childcare and education centres affects children’s cognitive and socio-emotional skills in Germany
Authors: Gaia Ghirardi, Tina Baier, Corinna Kleinert, Moris Triventi
We draw on the new-born sample (SC1 - https://www.neps-data.de/Data-Center/Data-and-Documentation/Start-Cohort-Newborns/105157-NEPSSC1600) of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS - https://https://www.neps-data.de/Mainpage/)
After running dofiles: 0_master, 1_preparation, 2_weights and 3_sample_standardization
Variable name: | Description |
ID_t | Child's unique id |
c_healthDD2 | Child's health at wave 2 |
place_residence1 | Place of residence |
n_siblings1 | Number of siblings at wave 1 |
n_siblings3 | Number of siblings at wave 3 |
n_sib_d | Change in number of siblings |
single_parent1 | Cohabitation family wave 1 |
single_parent2 | Cohabitation family wave 2 |
single_parent3 | Cohabitation family wave 2 |
benefit_ecec | Benefit expectation Daycare: enrichment |
att3 | ECEC attendance |
c_weight1 | Child's weight at birth |
c_migr_n1 | Child's migration background |
p_goals | Parenting goals |
sensori1_sd | Cognitive-sensorimotor development |
stratum | Sample: stratification variable |
psu | Sample: Primary Sampling Unit (Point number) |
weight_ipw_simple | IPW weight for selection in the sample |
weight_ipw_at | IPW weight for controlling for attrition |
weight_ipw_atW3 | IPW weight for controlling selection in the sample (w3) , and for attrition |
weight_ipw_atW45 | IPW weight for controlling selection in the sample (w45) , and for attrition |
weight_ipw_atW6 | IPW weight for controlling selection in the sample (w6) , and for attrition |
SDQ_ppb4_sd | Peer problems: Standardized (w4) |
SDQ_ppb6_sd | Peer problems: Standardized (w6) |
SDQ_pb4_sd | Problems Behaviour: Standardized (w4) |
SDQ_pb6_sd | Prosocial behavior: Standardized (w6) |
SDQ_h6_sd | Hyperactivity: Standardized (w6) |
SDQ_bp6_sd | Behavioral problems: Standardized (w6) |
voc6_sd | Vocabulary: WLE Standardized (w6) |
cat4_sd | Categorization: WLE Standardized (w4) |
math5_sd | Mathematical: WLE Standardized (w5) |
Data file to open | Description |
xDataset_models.dta | Main dataset containing all variables described above |
- Stata