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Robust and simplified fluorophore-to-fluorophore distance measurement


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Robust and simplified fluorophore-to-fluorophore distance measurements

Python version

What is it?

PyF2F is a Python-based software that provides the tools to estimate the distance between two fluorescent markers that are labelling the termini of a protein molecule and a static anchoring platform in the cell. This software is the Python implementation of our previous work Picco A., et al, 2017 where we combined PICT (yeast engineering & live-cell imaging) and integrative modelling to reconstruct the molecular architecture of the exocyst complex in its cellular environment.

For more information on this pipeline and its performance see PyF2F: a robust and simplified fluorophore-to-fluorophore distance measurement tool for Protein interactions from Imaging Complexes after Translocation experiments

How does it work?

PyF2F utilises bioimage analysis tools that allows for the pre-processing (Background subtraction, chromatic aberration correction, and spot detection) and analysis of live-cell imaging (fluorescence microscopy) data. The set of image analysis functions can be used to estimate the pairwise distance between a fluorophores flagging the terminus of a protein complex (prey-GFP) and a static intracellular anchor site (anchor-RFP). From a dataset of 20 - 30 images, PyF2F estimates the μ and σ values of the final distance distribution with a precision below 5 nm.


You can use the Colab to run the image analysis workflow online.

Run it locally


  • Python version 3.7
  • All requirements list in requirements.txt
  1. Download the git repo in your local computer and get into the folder, or open terminal and run the following command:
  $ git clone
  $ cd PyF2F
  1. Download the CNN weights: PyF2F utilises the pre-trained weights for the neural network that is used for yeast cell segmentation in Yeast Spotter. The weights are necessary to run the software, but are too large to share on GitHub. You can download the zip file from this Zenodo repository.

    You can also download the CNN weights for the yeast cell segmentation with the zenodo-get command:

  $ pip install zenodo-get
  $ zenodo_get -r 3598690

Once downloaded, simply unzip it and move it to the scripts/ directory. You can also run the following command:

  $ unzip
  $ rm
  $ mv weights/ scripts/
  1. Create a conda environment with Python3.7:
  $ conda create -n pyf2f python=3.7 anaconda
  $ conda activate pyf2f
  1. Install the requirements listed in requirements.txt:
  $ pip install -r requirements.txt

At this point, the directory PyF2F should contain the files and directories described below:

PyF2F tree

PyF2F has the following structure:

  scripts/               (running PyF2F using a bash script)                          (main script)                 (User selections)
      mrcnn/                      (YeastSpotter)
      weights/                    (for mrcnn yeast segmentation)  

  scripts_colab/                  (Scripts adapted to run in Colab)
          pict_images/            (21 images from Picco et al., 2017)
          reg/                    (beads set to create the registration map)
          test/                   (beads set to test the registration)

          pict_images/            (4 images from the full_example dataset)
          reg/                    (beads set to create the registration map)
          test/                   (beads set to test the registration)

The folders long_test and short_test correspond to two examples that can be used to check that PyF2F works properly. We recommend using the short_test to quickly check that PyF2F runs without problems (output is generated), and the long_test to have an idea about the time it takes to run the whole workflow.

Image Analysis Tutorial

The image analysis can be divided into two steps. First, we processed images to measure the centroid positions of the GFP and RFP tags. Then, we analysed the distribution of these centroid positions to estimate the true separation between the GFP and RFP fluorophores using Single-molecule High-REsolution Colocalization (SHREC) (Churchman et al. 2005, Churchman et al. 2006).

Command line arguments

  $ python3 -h

Pipeline to estimate the distance between a fluorophore fused to the termini
of a protein complex and a reference fluorophore in the anchor in living
yeast(see PICT method in Picco et al., 2017)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATASET, --dataset DATASET
                        Name of the main directory where the dataset is
  --px_size PX_SIZE     Pixel size of the camera (nanometers)
  --rolling_ball_radius ROLLING_BALL_RADIUS
                        Rolling Ball Radius (pixels)
  --median_filter MEDIAN_FILTER
                        Median Radius (pixels)
  --particle_diameter PARTICLE_DIAMETER
                        For spot detection. Must be an odd number
  --percentile PERCENTILE
                        Percentile that determines which bright pixels are
                        accepted as spots.
  --max_displacement MAX_DISPLACEMENT
                        Median Radius (pixels)
                        Use local affine (piecewise) transformation instead of
                        global affine.
  --contour_cutoff CONTOUR_CUTOFF
                        Max distance to cell contour (pixels)
  --neigh_cutoff NEIGH_CUTOFF
                        Max distance to closest neighbour (pixels)
  --kde_cutoff KDE_CUTOFF
                        Spots with this probability to be found in the
  --gaussian_cutoff GAUSSIAN_CUTOFF
                        Spots with this probability to be found in the
  --mle_cutoff MLE_CUTOFF
                        In the MLE, percentage of the distribution assumed
                        to be ok. Outlier search in the right '1 - value' area
                        of the distance distribution
  --reject_lower REJECT_LOWER
                        In the MLE, reject selected values under this
  --mu_ini MU_INI       Initial guess for mu search in the MLE
  --sigma_ini SIGMA_INI
                        Initial guess for sigma search in the MLE
  --dirty               Generates an html file to show the spots
                        selected/rejected in each image for each step of the
                        process. Consumes more time, memory, and local space.
  --verbose             Informs in the terminal what the program is doing at
                        each step
  -o OPTION, --option OPTION
                        Option to process: 'all' (whole workflow), 'beads'
                        (bead registration), 'pp' (preprocessing), 'spt' (spot
                        detection and linking), 'warping' (transform XY spot
                        coordinates using the beads registration map),
                        'segment' (yeast segmentation), 'kde' (2D Kernel
                        Density Estimate), 'gaussian' (gaussian fitting), 'mle
                        (outlier rejection using the MLE)'. Default: 'all'

Run PyF2F-Ruler with the short_example dataset to check that everything works properly:

a) Image Registration Workflow (creating the Registration map)

  $ cd scripts                                                                         # make sure you are in scripts/ folder
  $ conda activate {ENV_NAME}                                                          # make sure to activate your conda environment
  $ bash ../short_example/input/ reg out out_reg out_test    # create registration map

The resulting transformation matrix and registration map will be saved in the out_reg and out_test folders, respectively.

b) Distance Estimation Workflow

  $ bash ../short_example/ all                                             # Run all the workflow steps to estimate the distance
                                                                                        # between fluorophores.  
  • The short_example is composed by 4 PICT images located in the short_example/input/pict_images/ folder.
  • The full_example is composed by 21 PICT images located in the full_example/input/pict_images/ folder.

The results are generated and saved in the output/ folder with different sub-folders:

  • images: contains the processed images.
  • spots: contains the data from spot detection on your PICT images.
  • segmentation: contains the segmented images, masks, and contour images.
  • results: contains the resulting files from each processing/analysis step
  • figures: contains HTML and png files to get track of the detected and selected spots for each image, on each step, as well as the distance distribution for each step. It also contains PDF file with the final distance distribution and params estimates (mu and sigma)

You may grab a coffee while waiting for the results :)


You may be interested in running the PyF2F workflow directly in Colab. By default, Colab runs through the small_dataset

In the notebooks directory you will the jupyter-notebooks to run the tutorias for:

  • Image Registration: PyF2F_image_registration.ipynb
  • A full explanation of the workflow can be found in the notebook Registration_tutorial_with_test.ipynb
  • Distance Estimation: PyF2F_Estimate_Distances_Walkthrough.ipynb

You can also run the whole workflow using the Colab notebook called PyF2F_Ruler_Colab.ipynb

Reporting Bugs

Any bug or error that may appear while running PyF2F, please contact


This software includes Copyright (C) dependencies under the

  • MIT licence (2023 Andrea Picco; 2017 Matterport, Inc.; 2013-2019 Henry Proudhon; 2016-2018 Plotly, Inc)

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

  • BSD-3-clause licence (2007-2010 the Sphinx team; 1993-2015 Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen; 2013-2014 trackpy contributors; 2001-2002 Enthought, Inc. 2003-2024, SciPy Developers; 2005-2024, NumPy Developers; 2008-2011, AQR Capital Management, LLC, Lambda Foundry, Inc. and PyData Development Team; 2012-2023, Michael L. Waskom; 2008 Andrew Collette and contributors; Matthew Newville, The University of Chicago, Renee Otten, Brandeis University, Till Stensitzki, Freie Universitat Berlin, A. R. J. Nelson, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Antonino Ingargiola, University of California, Los Angeles, Daniel B. Allen, Johns Hopkins University, Michal Rawlik, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich).

By obtaining, using, and/or copying this software and/or its associated documentation, you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions:

The above copyright notices and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.