is a TypeScript programming solution in Unity/Unreal/DotNet.
- provides a JavaScript Runtime.
- allows TypeScript to access the host engine with the help of TypeScript declarations generation.
- Facilitates game-building processes by combining JavaScript/Node.js ecosystem and professional game engines
- In contrast to Lua script, TypeScript supports static type checking, which significantly improves code robustness and maintainability.
- High efficiency: supports reflection call throughout the host - no extra steps needed for interop with C++/C#.
- High performance: supports static wrapper generation - handles complex scenes with high-performance demands.
- Talented WebGL Support: massive advantage in performance and dev efficiency compared to Lua, even faster than pure C# in some cases.
unreal engine 4.22 ~ latest
unity 5 ~ latest
Any .net project
- iOS
- Android
- Windows
- Macos
PuerTS是 Unity/Unreal/Dotnet 下的TypeScript编程解决方案
- 提供了一个JavaScript运行时
- 提供TypeScript声明文件生成能力,易于通过TypeScript访问宿主引擎,
- JavaScript生态有众多的库和工具链,结合专业商业引擎的渲染能力,快速打造游戏
- 相比游戏领域常用的lua脚本,TypeScript的静态类型检查有助于编写更健壮,可维护性更好的程序
- 高效:全引擎,全平台支持反射调用,无需额外步骤即可与宿主C++/C#通信。
- 高性能:全引擎,全平台支持生成静态调用桥梁,兼顾了高性能的场景。
- WebGL平台下的天生优势:相比Lua脚本在WebGL版本的表现,PuerTS在性能和效率上都有极大提升,目前极限情况甚至比C#更快。
unreal engine 4.22 ~ latest
unity 5 ~ latest
- iOS
- Android
- Windows
- Macos