The assessment project for Zomentum.
Given below is a step by step procedure explaining how to run this API in your localhost machine. Screenshots of all the API endpoints using Postman is inside the 'images' folder.
Before running my Flask API, make sure you have all the dependencies installed (preferably in a virtualenv).
pip install requirements.txt
In the root level folder run the following command.
On Windows:
On Mac/Linux:
A Python scheduler is automatically started when the Flask server is run. This scheduler scans the Database every 30 secs and deletes all tickets whose movie 'timing_start' is older than 8hrs.
I have also writen some basic Unit Tests in Python using the 'unittest' library. They can be run using the command :
- Flask - A Python Backend Framework
- SQLAlchemy - An open-source SQL toolkit and object-relational mapper for the Python
- Scheduler - A Job Scheduler for Python
- This database makes use of Integers to represent Times. For eg: 830 -> 8:30am, 1525 -> 15:25pm. This was primarily done due to the time constraint of the tast due to which I refrained from dealing with any data processing I might had to do with python date time objects. The integers work well as proof of concept.