Downloadable chipKIT core for use with Arduino 1.6x IDE and UECIDE
ant setup
ant build
ant macosx-build
ant windows-build
ant linux32-build
ant linux64-build
ant raspberrypi-build
ant dist //builds, compresses, prepares deployment for current OS
ant dist-all //builds all distributions
ant macosx-dist
ant windows-dist
ant linux32-dist
ant linux64-dist
ant raspberrypi-dist
ant clean //cleans all dist and temp files
ant updatepic32prog
Option 1:
ant dist
- copy the dist/{OS} zip file to {SketchBookFolder}/hardware
- unzip the the zip file
- start Arduino
- Boards will be listed in the board drop down
Option 2:
ant build
- copy the dist/{OS} folder to {SketchFolder}/Arduino/hardware
- The user sketch folder needs a folder called hardware.
- start Arduino
- Boards will be listed in the board drop down
Note that we now support direct installation from within Arduino v1.6.7 (and up) via the Boards Manager. Simply place this URL
in the Preferences->Additional Boards Manager URLs: text field and then opening up the Boards Manager in the Tools->Board menu.
See for complete instructions.
Copy from dist OS Platform and move to ~/Documents/Arduino/hardware folder