MemoryLane is an interactive website made specailly for blog writers , where you can write blogs on almost all the topics and interact with people having similar interests and opinions.
- Interactive UI
- Add tags for your blogs
- Report offensive content
- Search among thousands of blogs in accordance of your interest
- You can also see most read blogs overall and also category wise
- Get a chance to interact with writers all over the world.
The project uses ReactJS as the main framework , Bootstrap and TailwindCSS for frontend ,NodeJS and ExpressJS for backend and Flask for integrating the NLP models for identifying harmful/abusive text. The NLP models are trained on suitable datasets using Python packages, such as Tensorflow and Keras. MongoDB is used as the main database, for storing all the blogs, content and user information.
- Rohan Malik
- Gaurav Gupta
- Abhishek Sood
- Gurmehar Singh