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Fullstack web application running on Flask and React, created to showcase the functionalities in the stegonosaurus Python library.

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Server Version: 1.3.2

UI Version: 1.1.3

Stegonosaurus-Rex is a fullstack web application created to showcase the functionalities of the stegonosaurus Python library. The app mainly consists of two components:

  • A Flask server that (for now) will only be called by the UI to make use of the stegonosaurus functions.
  • A friendly React UI which calls the aforementioned Flask server.

While Stegonosaurus-Rex is not currently running on the internet (WIP), developers are more than welcomed to download and set the application as they please.


  • Python3 (3.7.2 or later)
  • Yarn
  • A ReCaptcha Ver. 3 Connection (More Info)

Installing the Server

Both the "stegonoserver" and "stegonoscreens" require some specific values to be provided in the form of config.json files. For the backend create a "config" folder in the stegonoserver directory at the same level as the "app" folder. Inside the config folder create a new json file called "config.json". The contents should follow this format:

    "host": <host where the app is going to be deployed, by default>,
    "port": <port of the host where the app is going to be listenning on, 5000 by default>,
    "captchaSecret": <Captcha key to use in validations>,
    "captchaUrl": <Captcha host>

Once the config file has been created, the dependencies need to be installed. There is a "requirements.txt" file that should be used to install the necessary libraries for the server to work, from the "stegonoserver" folder, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: It is recommended to install the dependencies inside a virtual environment. My personal preference is venv.

Running the Server

If the config file is now in the project, and the dependencies have been installed, use the following command to bring the server up:

python3 app/src/

The server is now ready to be queried.

Unit Testing the Server

At the stegonoserver level run the following command:


If any of the tests fail, repeat the previous steps or look at the following section (issues will be added as they arise or are reported).

Troubleshooting the Server Installation

Some Windows machines might present an issue when installing the contents of the "requirements.txt" file with the Flask-Cors dependency.

Simply install this dependency separately after the rest has finished installing:

pip install flask-cors

Installing the UI

As with the server, the first step is to create the config files. Add a new "configs" (mind the "s") folder in the src directory inside "stegonoscreens", and inside place the "config.json" file with this format:

    "stegonoServer": <URL to your server>,
    "siteKey": <Captcha site key>",
    "imageSizeLimit": <Largest size the front end inputs can allow>,
    "imageSizeDisplay": <How to display this size to the users>

Once the config file has been created, run the following command at the stegonoscreens level to install all the required dependencies:

yarn install

Running the UI

To run the development version of the UI, just run the following command at the stegonoscreens level:

yarn start

The app should open automatically in your default browser.

Unit Testing the UI

The UI has a thorough test suite which can be run at stegonoscreens level with the following command:

yarn test

If any of the tests fail, repeat the installation steps.

Building the UI for Production and Serving

To build a webpack bundle just run the following command at stegonoscreens level:

yarn build

You can serve the resulting bundle with the server of your choice, my personal preference (and Yarn's suggestion) is serve.

Troubleshooting the UI Instalation

Ubuntu machines might experience an error when installing the dependencies and building the app.

These issues can be avoided by running the yarn commands as follows:

yarn <command> --ignore-engines


Detailed instructions are included in the "About" page in the UI.

Use Steganography Responsibly

And enjoy!


Fullstack web application running on Flask and React, created to showcase the functionalities in the stegonosaurus Python library.







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