Avoid spam, tracking and hacking by generating disposable data.
You can even view emails sent to your temporary mailbox.
$ npm i -g bedworm
Calling bedworm
$ bedworm
Usage: bedworm [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
generate|g Generate some throwaway data.
list|l [options] <email> Get a list of all messages sent to your temporary email.
help [command] display help for command
All commands and options have a shorter corresponding alias, e.g.
list = l
and--recent = -r
Generate some disposable data.
$ bedworm generate
--------General information--------
First name: Dilip
Last name: Salazar
Email: dilip@1secmail.com
Password: xpMYlRR6D3
Phone number: +39(021)37 504
Country: Lao Peoples Democratic Republic
City: Rogers
Street: 1035 Kuphal Mountain
Zip code: 69603-6997
--------Credit/Debit card--------
Card number: 4716461751210734
End date: 08/22
CVV: 994
Card type: VISA
Generated credit card numbers passed the Luhn check, however they may not work.
You can try to generate some new data, but don't expect anything magical from a random credit card generator.
Get a list of all messages sent to your temporary email.
$ bedworm list abbigail@1secmail.net
View a specific email chosen by id.
$ bedworm list abbigail@1secmail.net --id 201501
View the most recent email sent to your disposable inbox.
$ bedworm list abbigail@1secmail.net --recent