Paper: Di Jin*, Mark Heimann*, Tara Safavi, Mengdi Wang, Wei Lee, Lindsay Snider, Danai Koutra. Smart Roles: Inferring Professional Roles in Email Networks. ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2019.
Citation (bibtex):
author = {Di Jin* and
Mark Heiamann* and
Tara Safavi and
Mengdi Wang and
Wei Lee and and
Lindsay Snider and
Danai Koutra},
title = {Smart Roles: Inferring Professional Roles in Email Networks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th {ACM} {SIGKDD} International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery {\&} Data Mining, {KDD} 2019, London, UK,
August 4-8, 2019},
year = {2019},
Ember takes two files as input, the graph file and the lookup file used to indicate which nodes to embed.
The input graph file is the static edge list in the following format separated by tab:
<src> <dst> <weight>
The edge list is assumed to be re-ordered consecutively from 0, i.e., the minimum node ID is 0, and the maximum node ID is <#node - 1>. A toy static graph is under "/graph/" directory.
The lookup file is a subset of nodes in the graph to embed. A toy example is under "/graph/" directory.
The specific configuration to pass to EMBER can be found with the python main -h