This repository uses Yolo-V5 and CUT to detect faces in an image and then convert them into portraits (see the architecture for more info on how it works). To see how to use the code, check out the usage section for more information.
This is an example of what the model can do:
Tested on Python 3.6
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda env create -f environment.yml
usage: [-h] [--verbose] [--gpu-ids GPU_IDS [GPU_IDS ...]]
[--min-face-size MIN_FACE_SIZE]
{image,folder} ...
Face Extractor and Portrait Generator
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--verbose, -v print extra messages
--gpu-ids GPU_IDS [GPU_IDS ...], --gpus GPU_IDS [GPU_IDS ...]
GPUs to run on
--min-face-size MIN_FACE_SIZE, -s MIN_FACE_SIZE
minimum width of detected face (px)
usage: image [-h] --input-image INPUT_IMAGE [--save-path SAVE_PATH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input-image INPUT_IMAGE, --input INPUT_IMAGE, -i INPUT_IMAGE
input image location
--save-path SAVE_PATH, --output SAVE_PATH, -o SAVE_PATH
output save location
usage: folder [-h] --input-folder INPUT_FOLDER
[--output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER]
[--extensions EXTENSIONS [EXTENSIONS ...]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input-folder INPUT_FOLDER, --input INPUT_FOLDER, -i INPUT_FOLDER
input image location
output save location
image file extensions
There are two parts to this code: face extraction and conversion to a painting.
This repository is a fork of taesungp/contrastive-unpaired-translation because I have trained their model for this task. Read here for more information on Contrastive Unpaired Translation. The real faces in this image are a subset of the CelebA-HQ Dataset. That have been further aligned and cropped.
I have reused the code from my emotion detection project, which you can view here. It uses ultralytics/Yolo-V5 under the hood and you can see the finer details here.