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3 Commits and Patches

Ben McIntyre edited this page Jun 2, 2015 · 27 revisions

Commit and patch list

You can check out the commits in the repo, and remember, 6pac/SlickGrid is an up-to-date, ready-to-download version of SlickGrid. However, if you have forked your repo and made changes, then you may want to apply patches piecemeal.

This page lists one patch per commit.

01-lib-patch.patch Update to jquery-1.11.2 and jquery-ui-1.11.3 (latest version as at Feb 2015)

  • apply the patch
  • extract the ZIP file
  • replace the repo /css directory with the /css directory from the ZIP file
  • add the files in the ZIP file /lib directory to the repo /lib directory

if you apply this patch also apply patch 13 to avoid memory leaks with sparkline

02-dataview-bug.patch Fix bug in dataview causing model benchmark test to throw an error

03-redundant-pager-code.patch Remove redundant slick pager code

04-fract-pixel-width.patch Fix unnecessary horizontal scroll for autosized columns when viewport has fractional pixel width

05-default-comparer.patch Make default group comparer function more robust - see pull request: fix sort order in Chrome #1019

06-single-stylesheet.patch use a single stylesheet when multiple grids are instantiated, rather than creating one for each grid. thanks to bdwidhalm: mleibman#955

this patch has been modified and largely reverted - if you apply it also apply patch 14

07-fix-grouping-bug.patch fix grouping bug (fix issue #841 & #896 mleibman#898)

08-dataview-regex.patch update DataView compiled-expression regex to deal with some forms of minification.

Minification can remove semicolons, add or remove braces, stc. RegEx is never going to be able to solve all use cases so filter functions should be designed with compilation in mind. Filter functions can also be declared in a separate non-minified script block or file.


09-fix-ajax.patch Fix Issue #963 ajax example not working

  • add Rand Scullard's pull request mleibman#975 as the new example-6-ajax-loading.html

10-ajax-yahoo.patch additional version of ajax loading page, using Yahoo news and YQL as a source. the format of the grid rows is more in keeping with the newsfeed style of the original

11-hidden-init-css.patch Allow initialisation of hidden Grid

  • add css manipulation so that grid initialises successfully if the parent element is hidden

12-retarget-demo-links.patch update go-to-source links to 6pac repo master branch

these 12 patches take the MLeibman master to the 6pac/Slickgrid release 2.2.0

13-revert-slickline-to-v1.patch revert slickline to v1.x to avoid memory leaks with 2.x architecture (see issue 855)

this patch takes release 2.2.0 to 2.2.1

14-revert-single-stylesheet.patch revert single stylesheet patch due to various reasons

this patch takes release 2.2.1 to 2.2.2

** if anyone has scrolled down this far, please let me know if you are using these patches rather than just downloading the latest complete repo. They are a pain to maintain as the small changes add up. I will continue to make patches available for significant specific bug fixes, as I think most people will be patching for specific issues in order to minimise impact on their existing codebase **