This is the default theme for DKAN 1.0 ->
Your theme will use Gulp to compile Sass. Gulp needs Node.
Make sure you have Node and npm installed. You can read a guide on how to install node here:
Install bower: npm install -g bower
Go to the root of your theme and run the following commands: npm run setup
Update browserSyncProxy
in config.json.
Edit the files under the scss and js directory, these will be compiled into the assets directory.
Run the following command to compile Sass and watch for changes: gulp
When you need more control over the theme or prefer to keep customizations in code without using overrides, creating a subtheme of NuBoot Radix is an easy win. The subtheme will pick up all styles from the chain in cascading order: Radix > NuBoot Radix > Your Subtheme
So you only need to add styles where you want to override the upstream css, and add custom templates if you need specific changes to the layout.
To create a Nuboot Radix subtheme, run these command
drush en radix
drush vset theme_default radix
drush radix "MyThemeName" --kit=
drush vset theme_default MyThemeName
drush dis radix
OR if using Ahoy:
ahoy dkan theme new-from-kit [new-theme-name]
ahoy dkan theme setup
ahoy dkan theme watch
The new subtheme will be placed in to the /sites/all/themes/ directory, it will contain the proper directory structure to get you started.
To upgrade an older NuBoot Radix subtheme to use the new Radix 7.x-3.3 compiling process, it will need to be done manually, follow the steps outlined here:
Use the components directory to break out your styles into easy to find partial files. Add as many partial files as needed to theme new or more specific sections of your site. This helps keep the styles organized, allowing for easy customizations and quick to find elements for all team members. Do not add styles directly to the file, this file simply determines the order in which the theme files are compiled.
Streamline Icons
Flaticons designed by Freepik
Font Awesome