is a Haskell library to parse Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files. It
parses the xls file format (extension .xls
) more specifically known as
BIFF/Excel 97-2004
It can be useful for mining data from old Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
Use decodeXlsIO
to get a list of all worksheets. For example to convert all
worksheets in an xls file to comma separated csv:
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Xls (decodeXlsIO)
xlsToCSV :: String -> IO ()
xlsToCSV file = do
worksheets <- decodeXlsIO file
mapM_ (mapM_ (putStrLn . intercalate ",")) worksheets
An xls2csv
utility is shipped with the package.
See the haddock documentation for API details.
The library is based on the C library libxls.
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