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Local Search: ☺️
- python3.x
- Although it's not necessary, I use Pycharm mostly for coding python.
In local_seach file:
The max sat problem is solved with Random Restart Hill Climbing.
The 0-1 knapsack problem is sovled with Tabu Search.
CSP: 😍
There is 5 course in 3 fix days of each week. Course Scheduling is like this:
- course1 : 8-9AM
- course2 : 8:30-9:30 AM
- course3 : 9-10 AM
- course4 : 9-10 AM
- course5 : 9:30-10:30 AM
There are 3 teachers who can teach specific courses like:
- Teacher A: courses 3,4
- Teacher B: courses 2,3,4,5
- Teacher C: all courses
Solution is in Courses.mzn
- This is a famous n-queen problem which n in the input and n * n board after placing n queen in the output.
- soulution is in n_queen.mzn file.
- I used IntelliJ IDEA for java programming.
- You need choco solver, I downloaded choco-parsers-4.10.6-jar-with-dependencies.jar file and add it to my IntelliJ IDEA project.
Solution is in OLS_CSP.java
- Input: DNF
- Goal: Transfer DNF to CNF and check satisfiability.
- Soulution is ghazale.mw
Thanks @arman324 😅