The domain of the website is fashion. Each webpage covers a different aspect of fashion: shoes, high-street fashion, and designer houses.
- Each webpage has a focus on things related to people
- Each webpage has a list of topics
- Each webpage has a creative description
- Each topic has an introduction
- Each topic has a brief history
- h1 tag for "Fashion Facts"
nav bar is "Home, Shoes, High-Street Fashion, Designer House"
H2 tag is the name of a webpage
- List of subtopics
- Description for topic
footer is "© CSC 174: Advanced Front-end Web Design and Development"
- h1 tags for "Fashion Facts"
nav bar is "Home, Shoes, High-Street Fashion, Designer House"
h2 tag is the name of the subtopic
- Introduction
- Brief History
footer is "© CSC 174: Advanced Front-end Web Design and Development"
- Homepage (index page)
- Shoes
- High-street fashion
- Designer house