Convolutional Neural Network is used in our Project. CNN is very much used in analysing visual imagery. It also helps use to get more accurate value and it is also very much proved that CNNs is very useful in image recognition and classification each image processes result in vote here after featuring the pixel with every weight connected to every convolutional layer to get an accurate value with the model.
Adam – Adaptive Moment requires very little memory and it is the one of the most used in gradient descent optimization also update parameters with individual learning rate . and also it is best optimizer and fast then SGD.
SGD – stochastic gradient descent. we have also used SGD optimizer in your model it is used for optimizing an objective function. In this few samples are selected and randomly instead of the whole dataset set for each iteration and with help of this it update the weight and parameter values.
Accuracy metric is used in your model . It is used for evaluating classification models it creates two local variables total and count that are used to compute the frequency. The best score for classification problem is 100% and we have achieved 86% with your model . And also we have confusion matric it is one of the easiest way to measure the performance of a classification problem in this the matrix compare the actual target values with those the predicted by the machine learning model and recall in confusion matrix is the ratio of the relevant result returned by the search engine to the total number of relevant result that could be returned.
We used categorical cross entropy . it is used to train the CNN to output probability over the classes for each image .the calculate the error between 0 and 1.It is also used for multi-class classification. It is a function that maps values of one or more variables onto a real from the loss function we learn to reduce the error in prediction it is used in classification problem and works on the whole dataset with the prediction and absolute values of dataset.
Having clean data will ultimately increase overall productivity and allow for the highest quality information and with clean dataset we can get a highest quality information. And your dataset have the quality and mostly no required for cleaning in this because everything is as important as it is to predict the dataset.
In the training part all images are 1x 48x48 and real images are different in size. You must also check the size of the pictures in the dataset and one of them with different size and also you should resize all the images if they are not in the same size to get shape of images In this dataset data cleaning was not done because every data is useful and have a certain level of quality and importance so data drop or any other cleaning task are not performed . The data was already a right one for the model so we proceed for the further task on training the model and more.
1- The functions of OpenCV used in Image Detection Part are-
- cv2.imread
- cv2.cvtColor
- cv2.CascadeClassifier → detectMultiscale
- cv2.normalize
- cv2.rectangle
- cv2.putText
- cv2.imshow
- cv2.waitKey
2- The functions of OpenCV used in Video Detection Part are-
- cv2.CascadeClassifier → detectMultiscale
- cv2.VideoCapture
- cv2.cvtColor
- cv2.rectangle
- cv2.resize
- cv2.putText
- cv2.imshow
- cv2.waitKey
- cv2.VideoCapture.release
- cv2.destroyAllWindows
With 0 to 6 emotions and 34034 unique values- emotion detection dataset is used here (
This drive link consists of 28710 train set .png files and 3590 test set .png files of seven different emotions.
This fer2013.csv file contains the train and test images of the google drive folder above in the form of a single .csv file as pixels matrices.
Emotions are:- 0 - denotes angry, 1 - denotes disgusted, 2 - denotes fearful, 3 - happy, 4 - sad, 5 - surprised, 6 - Neutral,
To understand this thoroughly you should have some basic knowledge of :
- Python
- OpenCV
- Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
- Numpy
- Tensorflow
Liberaries of python used in this project:
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Pandas
- OS
- Sys
- Gtts
- PlaySound
- Streamlit
- Threading
- OpenCV
- Tensorflow / Keras
First - Import all libraries and modules that are needed in this project and describe all
the values and variables which you have in dataset, i.e. -
- number of classes
- size of the image
- batch size and more.
Second - Take the dataset which we have selected is fer2013 in kaggle with 7 classes namely - Angry, Disgust, Fear, Happy, Sad, Surprise and Neutral. The training set consists of a total of 28,709 examples. Now import the validation and training data . This model is trained on the training dataset and validation dataset.
Third - Now that we have completed the dataset modification, it's time to implement CNN network on a sequential model. We have used some of layers from keras -
- Conv2D()
- Activation(activation_type)
- BatchNormalization()
- MaxPooling2D(pool_size, strides, padding, data_format, **kwargs)
- Dropout(dropout_value)
- Flatten()
- Dense()
- Activation layer
Fourth - Compile and train, now only left to compile and train the model .
Prerequisites For The Project :
- All the folders like the models, audio_files, images folders should be present as this script requires all those folders to run.
- In the command prompt run:
- MAke sure all required libraries and packages are pre-installed.