File-backed chunk storage server that provides chunks on request and allows clients to update them.
Looking for the Client Mod?
- Install dependencies:
mix deps.get
- Configure: edit
- Test run interactively:
iex -S mix
- Run in production:
MIX_ENV=prod elixir -S mix run --no-halt
Run iex
and type/paste:
# open a connection to the server
{:ok, sock} = :gen_tcp.connect {127,0,0,1}, 44444, [packet: 4]
# send a message (packet type 1)
:gen_tcp.send sock, "\x01Hello server"
# send a fake chunk: p_type timestamp chunk_x chunk_z chunk_data
:gen_tcp.send sock, <<0::8, 1234::64, 98::32, 76::32, "this is a fake chunk">>
# be nice and close the connection
:gen_tcp.close sock