DownloadManager is a simple file download manager written in java. It downloads parts of a file in different threads and combines them later for efficient download.
DownloadManager fully supports pause/resume of downloads. Similarly, the downloads objects are serialized to disk to make them persistent. The main GUI is made by the JavaFX framework in the Observer/Observable model for easy extension.
If you do not have gradle go here to get the latest version of gradle.
Clone the repository in your local system
git clone
To build the project go to project root and run the following command.
cd DownloadManager
gradle build
A fat jar will be built in builds/libs
Execute the jar file by the following command
java -jar downloadmanager-0.1.0.jar
A built .jar file will be inside the build/libs
To run the program simply execute java -jar downloadmanager-0.1.0.jar
in the terminal or command prompt.
Java must be installed and in your path for this to work.