This package provides a wrapper for Vladimir Kolmogorov's Max-flow/min-cut library and a pure Julia implementation of the algorithm. The wrapper will automatically download those precompiled binaries(note the maxflow-v3.01 library has its own license, you may need to take a look before using it) from BKMaxflowBuilder and it is much faster than the Julia implementation. However, the Julia version is more understandable and could be served as a good learning material for the algorithm. In addition, this implementation is 3x faster and more scalable than the one in LightGraphsFlows.jl.
This package is not officially registered, you could either use it as an unregistered package or an isolated project which means it's not in your default environment.
pkg> add
# or
pkg> dev
- clone this repo to any directory you prefer
to that directory- start Julia and run
activate .
mode - run
pkg> build
orpkg> instantiate
if needed
using BKMaxflow
weights, neighbors = create_graph(JuliaImpl{Float64,Int}, 4)
add_edge!(weights, neighbors, 1, 2, 1., 1.)
add_edge!(weights, neighbors, 1, 3, 2., 2.)
add_edge!(weights, neighbors, 2, 3, 3., 4.)
add_edge!(weights, neighbors, 2, 4, 5., 5.)
add_edge!(weights, neighbors, 3, 4, 6., 6.)
w = reshape(weights, 2, :)
flow, label = boykov_kolmogorov(1, 4, neighbors, w)
using BKMaxflow
g = create_graph(CImpl{Cdouble}, 2, 1)
add_node(CImpl{Cdouble}, g, 1)
add_node(CImpl{Cdouble}, g, 1)
add_tweights(CImpl, g, 0, 1., 5.)
add_tweights(CImpl, g, 1, 2., 6.)
add_edge(CImpl, g, 0, 1, 3., 4.)
flow = maxflow(CImpl{Cdouble}, g) #-> 3
what_segment(CImpl{Cdouble}, g, 0) #-> 1 which means it belongs to sink
what_segment(CImpl{Cdouble}, g, 1) #-> 1 which means it belongs to sink
delete_graph(CImpl{Cdouble}, g)
using BKMaxflow
err = Ref{bk_error}(C_NULL)
g = bk_create_graph_double(2, 1, err[])
bk_add_node_double(g, 1, err[])
bk_add_node_double(g, 1, err[])
bk_add_tweights_double(g, 0, 1., 5., err[])
bk_add_tweights_double(g, 1, 2., 6., err[])
bk_add_edge_double(g, 0, 1, 3., 4., err[])
flow = bk_maxflow_double(g, false, err[])
bk_what_segment_double(g, 0, err[])
bk_what_segment_double(g, 1, err[])
Boykov, Yuri, and Vladimir Kolmogorov. "An experimental comparison of min-cut/max-flow algorithms for energy minimization in vision." Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 26.9 (2004): 1124-1137.