##Parse and Update Database References in Dacpac files
References are stored in the model.xml file inside the dacpac which follows the microsoft standard zip format for files.
###The Header Xml looks something like:
DataSchemaModel Header CustomData Metadata
###Each Reference is a CustomData with 4 Metadata items:
FileName, LogicalName, ExternalParts and SuppressMissingDependenciesErrors
###I have built the same structure in classes and the top level objects are:
parser.GetCustomData() Gets all the CustomData, which you can then either iterate through or use linq to get the reference you want:
var fileName = "path\to\dacpac.dacpac";
var reference = parser.GetCustomData()
p =>
p.Category == "Reference" && p.Type == "SqlSchema" &&
p.Items.Any(item => item.Name == "FileName" && item.Value == fileName));
To write or delete a reference you create a CustomData and add the 4 Metadata items to it (this could be pretty easily extended to do this easier) - you then pass the CustomData to the HeaderWriter
If you have a large number of changes to the dacpac then you can pass autoCommitEveryOperation = false to the constructor and call .CommitChanges().
One thing to note is that the HeaderWriter keeps a handle to the dacpac open, so when you are done call .Close - it should obviously implement IDisposable (whoops)