go run main.go -p [root path] -s [suffix name] -e [exclude dirs]
如果 -e
有多个参数,多次输入 -e [suffix name]
╰─± go run main.go -h
Usage of /var/folders/mq/kc_gdgd54rb08z8h4bbly5p40000gn/T/go-build3741289270/b001/exe/main:
-e value
Exclude directories.
-p string
Root path. (default ".")
-s .
Suffix name of file, starts with .; Such as `.go` (default ".go")
╰─± go run main.go -p ../word-cloud/frontend -s .js -e node_modules
root Path: /Users/dapeng/Desktop/code/Git/word-cloud/frontend
Suffix name: .js
Exclude Dirs: [node_modules]
type |file-name |status |line[blank] |line[code]
file |src/App.js |complete |blank = 2 |line = 23
file |build/static/js/runtime-main.ff5b8ea4.js |complete |blank = 0 |line = 2
file |src/components/wordCloud/index.js |complete |blank = 9 |line = 111
file |build/static/js/main.95d45d10.chunk.js |complete |blank = 0 |line = 2
file |src/index.js |complete |blank = 1 |line = 19
file |src/assets/errorImg.js |complete |blank = 0 |line = 2
file |build/static/js/2.772ed22b.chunk.js |complete |blank = 0 |line = 3
Summary: total files: 7 blanks: 12 codes: 162
go install github.com/GoToUse/codeLines@latest
然后在本地shell,可以直接使用 codeLines -h
╰─± codeLines -p /Users/dapeng/.virtualenvs/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/ -s .py -e "migrations"
# Output
root Path: /Users/dapeng/.virtualenvs/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/contrib/admin
Suffix name: .py
Exclude Dirs: [migrations]
type |file-name |status |line[blank] |line[code]
file |models.py |complete |blank = 22 |line = 168
file |__init__.py |complete |blank = 3 |line = 47
file |widgets.py |complete |blank = 92 |line = 495
file |apps.py |complete |blank = 8 |line = 19
file |checks.py |complete |blank = 115 |line = 1235
file |forms.py |complete |blank = 6 |line = 25
file |templatetags/admin_urls.py |complete |blank = 17 |line = 49
file |tests.py |complete |blank = 38 |line = 196
file |templatetags/__init__.py |complete |blank = 0 |line = 0
file |actions.py |complete |blank = 12 |line = 84
file |utils.py |complete |blank = 77 |line = 501
file |sites.py |complete |blank = 98 |line = 508
file |views/__init__.py |complete |blank = 0 |line = 0
file |options.py |complete |blank = 274 |line = 2232
file |templatetags/admin_modify.py |complete |blank = 17 |line = 133
file |views/decorators.py |complete |blank = 2 |line = 17
file |templatetags/base.py |complete |blank = 5 |line = 40
file |templatetags/log.py |complete |blank = 12 |line = 57
file |templatetags/admin_list.py |complete |blank = 60 |line = 473
file |helpers.py |complete |blank = 68 |line = 492
file |views/autocomplete.py |complete |blank = 18 |line = 104
file |exceptions.py |complete |blank = 6 |line = 7
file |filters.py |complete |blank = 70 |line = 480
file |decorators.py |complete |blank = 23 |line = 88
file |views/main.py |complete |blank = 42 |line = 543
Summary: total files: 25 blanks: 1085 codes: 7993
- Perl - cloc - cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
- rust - loc - Count lines of code quickly. rust implementation similar to tokei but often faster.
- go - gocloc - A little fast cloc(Count Lines Of Code) inspired by tokei.
- go - gcloc - CLI tool to count lines of code(Support counting the amount of code on git).
- go - scc - Sloc, Cloc and Code: scc is a very fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations and COCOMO estimates written in pure Go.
- rust - tokei - Count your code, quickly.