Secure and efficient distributed locks (Redisson like) implemetation. Ensure efficient performance with biased locking's implementation, can load more than 1k/s of concurrent requests with default parameter settings.
- aioredis>=2.0.0
pip install aioredlock-py
- Ensure reliability with context manager.
- Use lua scripts to ensure atomicity on lock release.
- Notification prompt you to cancel the following execution if acquisition fails
- Reliable in high concurrency.
import asyncio
import aioredis
from aioredlock_py import Redisson
async def single_thread(redis):
for _ in range(10):
async with Redisson(redis, key="no1") as lock:
if not lock:
# If the lock still fails after several attempts, `__aenter__`
# will return None to prompt you to cancel the following execution
return 'Do something, failed to acquire lock' # raise ...
# else
# Service logic protected by Redisson
await redis.incr("foo")
async def test_long_term_occupancy(redis):
async with Redisson(redis, key="no1", ex=10) as lock:
if not lock: return;
# Service logic protected by Redisson
await redis.set("foo", 0)
# By default, a lock is automatically released if no action is
# taken for 20 seconds after redisson holds it. Let's assume that
# your service logic takes a long time (30s in this case) to process,
# you don't need to worry about it causing chaos, because there's
# background threads help you automatically renew legally held locks.
await asyncio.sleep(30)
await redis.incr("foo")
async def main():
redis = aioredis.from_url("redis://localhost")
await redis.delete("redisson:no1")
await redis.set("foo", 0)
await asyncio.gather(*(single_thread(redis) for _ in range(20)))
assert int(await redis.get("foo")) == 200
# await test_long_term_occupancy(redis)