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Python Google Cloud Pub/Sub sample for Google App Engine Standard Environment

Open in Cloud Shell

This demonstrates how to send and receive messages using Google Cloud Pub/Sub on Google App Engine Standard Environment for Python 2.7 or for Python 3. See instructions below for deploying in either of those two environments.


Before you can run or deploy the sample, you will need to do the following:

  1. Enable the Cloud Pub/Sub API in the Google Developers Console.

  2. Allow Cloud Pub/Sub to create authentication tokens in your project. Note that this command uses both your-project-id (the name you gave the project) and your-project-number (the numeric identifier automatically assigned to your project) in separate places.

     $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [your-project-id] \
         --member=serviceAccount:service-[your-project-number] \
  3. Create a topic and subscription. The --push-auth-service-account flag activates the Pub/Sub push functionality for Authentication and Authorization. Pub/Sub messages pushed to your endpoint will carry the identity of this service account. You may use an existing service account or create a new one. The --push-auth-token-audience flag is optional; if set, remember to modify the audience field check in

     $ gcloud pubsub topics create [your-topic-name]
     $ gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions create [your-subscription-name] \
         --topic=[your-topic-name] \
             https://[your-app-id][your-token] \
         --ack-deadline=30 \
         --push-auth-service-account=[your-service-account] \
  4. Update the environment variables in app.yaml for Python 3, or app27.yaml for Python 2.7.

Running locally

When running locally, you can use the Google Cloud SDK to provide authentication to use Google Cloud APIs:

$ gcloud init

Install dependencies, preferably with a virtualenv:

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Then set environment variables before starting your application:

$ export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=[your-project-name]
$ export PUBSUB_VERIFICATION_TOKEN=[your-verification-token]
$ export PUBSUB_TOPIC=[your-topic]
$ python

Simulating push notifications

The application can send messages locally, but it is not able to receive push messages locally. You can, however, simulate a push message by making an HTTP request to the local push notification endpoint. There is an included sample_message.json. You can use curl or httpie to POST this:

$ curl -i --data @sample_message.json "localhost:8080/push-handlers/receive_messages?token=[your-token]"


$ http POST ":8080/push-handlers/receive_messages?token=[your-token]" < sample_message.json


Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 58
Server: Werkzeug/0.15.2 Python/3.7.3
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2019 04:56:12 GMT

Invalid token: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

The simulated push request fails because it does not have a Cloud Pub/Sub-generated JWT in the "Authorization" header.

Running on App Engine

Note: Not all the files in the current directory are needed to run your code on App Engine. Specifically, and the data directory, which contains a mocked private key file and a mocked public certs file, are for testing purposes only. They SHOULD NOT be included when deploying your app. When your app is up and running, Cloud Pub/Sub's push servers create tokens using a private key, then the Google Auth Python library takes care of verifying and decoding the token using Google's public certs, to confirm that the push requests indeed come from Cloud Pub/Sub.

In the current directory, deploy using gcloud. For Python 2.7 you must first install the required libraries in the lib folder:

$ pip -t lib -r requirements.txt
$ gcloud app deploy app27.yaml

For Python 3, you can simply run the deploy command:

$ gcloud app deploy app.yaml

You can now access the application using the gcloud app browse command. You can use the form to submit messages, but it's non-deterministic which instance of your application will receive the notification. You can send multiple messages and refresh the page to see the received message.