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Release contains:
- Towny
- TownyChat 0.68
- TownyNameUpdater 4.0

> Welcome to Towny This release has some nice features added
and a mountain of fixes. Please remember that when you're updating your
config files, the only changes you *must* make are directly below in the
REQUIRED CHANGES section. All of the rest of the config additions will
be added auto-magically by Towny with their default settings. Important
links can be found at the bottom of this page, along with the actual
downloads in the Assests list.
> This Release marks the addition of two developers to the TownyAdvanced
organization, Siris & Silverwolfg11. You will find many great
contributions in the changelog below. If you haven't said hello to them
on the [Discord]( yet, consider joining us

    - Villager should be added to the protection.mob_types list.
    - Remove LECTERN from the protections.switch_ids list in the config.
    - This will make it possible for players to read books on lecterns
without having switch perms.
    - Players will still be unable to take the book (unless they have
destroy permissions in the plot.)
    - should be added to the default nation rank.
      - adding this will mean that when the config's
global_town_settings.allow_town_spawn_travel_ally will work properly
when set to true.
  - REQUIRED: amending towny\data\worlds\WORLDNAME.txt files
    - All existing Towny\data\worlds\WORLDNAME.txt files should have
their plotManagementDeleteIds lines changed to
    - All existing Towny\data\worlds\WORLDNAME.txt files should have
their plotManagementIgnoreIds lines changed to

  - Event War addition: town conquering:
    - If war.event.winner_takes_ownership_of_town is set to true when a
town knocks another town out of the war, the losing town will join the
winning town's nation.
    - The losing town will enter a conquered state and be unable to
leave the nation until the conquered time has passed.
    - Add conquered & conqueredDays to Towns.
    - A town's conqueredDays will decrease each Towny new day.
    - Closes ticket TownyAdvanced#3477.
  - Placeholder added: %townyadvanced_nation_tag_town_formatted%
    - Shows the nation tag and the full town name.
    - If nation tag is not set, only the town name is shown.
  - Plot PVP now takes priority over the Town setting.
    - This means that PVP can be toggled on in plots while the rest of
the Town remains PVP free.
    - The PVP toggle cooldown means this cannot be abused.
  - Add permission nodes to /t list by x and /n list by x commands.
    - You can negate the new child nodes to limit which ways players are
allowed to sort towns.
  - Made most of the unprefixed messages Towny emits use prefixes,
either [Towny], [Townname] or [Nationname].
  - Add town_block_size to bstats charts.
  - Made the town & nation levels' town, nation, capital prefixes and
postfixes support the & colour codes.
  - Add database load time to startup.

  - New Feature: Plot Groups, courtesy of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3578.
    - Group plots together, which can be named, sold, set with a uniform
plot type, a uniform perm line.
    - Plot Groups which are claimed or unclaimed will have confirmation
messages showing number of plots in a group, as well as cost.
    - Groups appear in the Chunk Notifications in white.
    - Already priced plots which are added to a group will increase the
group price by the plot.
    - Closes ticket TownyAdvanced#472.
  - Confirmations can now be accepted/declined/confirmed/cancelled by
clicking on the text if you use Spigot.
    - Courtesy of Siris with PRs TownyAdvanced#3631 + TownyAdvanced#3639
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3534.
    - Commands can still be used, clicking only for spigot servers, not
craftbukkit servers.
  - New Feature: smart tab-completion of most Towny commands, courtesy
of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3700.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3314.
  - QOL interface changes/redundancy removal, courtesy of Siris with PR
  - Flesh out .gitignore with OS specific (usually hidden) files,
courtesy of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3706.

  - Expansion of Metadata: courtesy of Emperor-Koala with PR TownyAdvanced#3548.
    - Added the ability to expand status screens for through the use of
metadata. By giving the metadata field, a label, it will then be
displayed on the status screen for any object it is added to.
    - Added metadata to worlds, nations and residents.
    - Closes ticket TownyAdvanced#3543.
  - Added remaining ExtraFields for metadata, courtesy of Emperor-Koala
with PR TownyAdvanced#3575.

  - Implementation of a trie data structure for residents, towns, and
nations; courtesy of stzups & Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3712.
  - Added tab completion for /invite commands, courtesy of stzups with
PR TownyAdvanced#3705.
  - Updated & smarter /nation command tab-completion, courtesy of stzups
with PR TownyAdvanced#3710.
  - Updated & smarter tab-completion for remaining commands, courtesy of
stzups with PR TownyAdvanced#3714.

  - Object Allocation on player move reduced by Silverwolfg11 in PR
  - TownyPermission data rewritten to a 2d boolean array, courtesy of
Silverwolfg11 with PR TownyAdvanced#3600.

  - Update Reserve API, courtesy of thecreatorfromhell, with PR TownyAdvanced#3612.

  - /plot group [add|new|create] [groupname]
    - Creates a plot group where a player is standing.
    - Also adds plots to existing an existing group.
  - /plot group remove
    - Removes the plot you're standing in from its group.
  - /plot group rename [newname]
    - Renames a plot group.
  - /plot group set perm ....
    - Used to set the perm line of a group you are standing in.
  - /plot group set [townblocktype]
    - Used to set a group of plots to a shop, farm, embassy, etc.
  - /plot group toggle [fire|mobs|pvp|explosions]
    - Set the toggleable settings for townblocks across the entire
  - /plot group [forsale|fs] [price]
    - Sets the group for sale at the set price.
  - /plot group [notforsale|nfs]
    - Sets the group not for sale.
  - /townyadmin nation new {name} {capital}
    - Creates a nation for the specified town.
    - Does not charge the town money.

  - war.event.winner_takes_ownership_of_town
    - default: false
    - If set to true when a town knocks another town out of the war, the
losing town will join the winning town's nation.
    - The losing town will enter a conquered state and be unable to
leave the nation until the conquered time has passed.
  - war.event.conquer_time
    - default: 7
    - Number of Towny new days until a conquered town loses its
conquered status.
  - notification.town_names_are_verbose
    - Default: true
    - When set to true, town's names are the long form
(townprefix)(name)(townpostfix) configured in the town_level section.
    - When false, it is only the town name.
  - notification.notifications_appear_in_action_bar
    - default: true
    - This setting only applies to servers running spigot, paper or
    - On servers using craftbukkit.jar the notifications will always
appear in the chat.
    - When set to false the notifications will appear in the chat rather
than the action bar.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3636.

  - Changed required permission node for using /ta from towny.admin to
    - Fixes scenario where an admin has other /townyadmin permission
nodes but not towny.admin.

  - towny.command.townyadmin
    - Used to view the /townyadmin screen.
    - Gateway permission node to all other townyadmin sub-commands
    - Child node of towny.command.townyadmin.*
    - Allows the use of the /ta nation new {name} {capital} command.
  - Child nodes of towny.command.nation.list, no townyperms.yml update
    - towny.command.nation.list.residents
    - towny.command.nation.list.towns
    - towny.command.nation.list.balance
    - towny.command.nation.list.townblocks
  - Child nodes of, no townyperms.yml update

  - Added TownPreUnclaimEvent
    - Useful for getting the TownBlock object that will be unclaimed.
    - Cancellable but probably not a good idea.
  - Create ResidentUtil for resident-related methods.
  - Added TownyMessaging.sendPlainGlobalMessage() which doesn't use the
[Towny] prefix.
  - Create resident.getNamePostfix() & resident.getNamePrefix() for
gather pre/postfixes of kings and mayor residents

  - Reorganization of TownyFormatter, courtesy of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3715.
    - Deprecates a couple things that other plugins are unlikely to be
using, notes were made for new replacements.
  - API: PreNewTownEvent, courtesy of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3606.
    - Cancellable event.
  - Eco backend refactor courtesy of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3663.

  - Courtesy of Emperor-Koala with PR TownyAdvanced#3566:
    - API:
      - NationPreAddEnemyEvent - Cancellable
      - NationAddEnemeyEvent
      - NationPreRemoveEnemyEvent - Cancellable
      - NationRemoveEnemyEvent
      - New methods to get the cells under attack in Flag War.

  - Pom updates for javadocs courtesy of FlagCourier with PR TownyAdvanced#3672.

  - API: preNewDayEvent, courtesy of silverwolfg11 with PR TownyAdvanced#3770.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3765.

  - Fixed: Villagers protected from damage by other Entities when not
configured to be protected.
    - Pillagers were unable to harm villagers, even when villagers were
not in the protected list.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3580.
  - Fix keep inventory and keep experience features.
    - Closes ticket TownyAdvanced#3551.
  - Fix edge-case scenario where revoking invites couldn't be done
because we were matching the wrong player.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3635.
  - Fix message shown when a player tries to set their nation spawn in
the wilderness.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3640.
  - Fix for trees and mushrooms growing into plots they shouldn't.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3641.
  - Fix /ta set throwing error.
    - Closes ticket TownyAdvanced#3565.
  - Fixed explosion regen deleting the contents of BlockInventoryHolders
(chests, furnaces, hopper and more.)
    - Closes tickets TownyAdvanced#3569, TownyAdvanced#3570.
  - Fix Mysql databases not creating plotblocksnapshot files.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3589.
  - Fix WARZONE status overriding the allow_block_griefing: false
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3577.
  - Fix Mysql databases not purging fallen towns.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3610.
  - Fix town_plotbased_upkeep_minimum_amount not working when
town_plotbased_upkeep_affected_by_town_level_modifier is set to false.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3616.
  - Fix renaming towns which have 0 plot groups.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3626.
  - Fix /ta town {townname} {command} not showing anything helpful when
the {command} used is not a valid command.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3667.
  - Fix ranks not being capitalized on /res, /town and /nation screens.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3669.
  - Fix for single-town nations when the winner_takes_ownership_of_town
is true.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3678.
  - Removed unneeded permission check for /n spawn.
    - towny.command.nation.spawn node is no longer tested for.
    - towny.nation.spawn.* nodes still remain in use.
  - Fix CombatUtil not disabling PVP in townblocks where PVP is off,
when PVP is still on in the town.
    - Towns will no longer override PVP settings for townblocks.
    - The below 3 fixes were required after adjusting this.
  - Fix lack of message when an unjailed player uses /res jail foo.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3726.
  - Fix revert-on-unclaim not respecting the PlotManagementSpeed set in
the config.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3759.
  - Fix Towny moving Citizens NPCs to server spawn when Towny loads in
safe mode.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3760, TownyAdvanced#3773.
  - Fix missing translation.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3777.
  - Fix using /plot perm in the wilderness just returning '[Towny] Not
registered' message. Towny will now display the World status page.
  - Fix ChunkNotification not displaying change of PVP status when
moving between two townblocks with differing PVP settings.
  - Fix /plot perm hud not displaying PVP setting for plots correctly.
  - Fix for eventwar war participants message using two lines when it
ought to only use one.
  - Fix eventwar wars that don't start properly leaving remainders in
the warringsTowns and warringNations.
  - Fix WARZONE status being given to townblocks when war is not active.
  - Improve debug messaging on flatfile database load.
  - Fix plot groups whose town doesn't exist anymore causing safe mode.
  - Translated cannot-kick-that-resident strings.
  - Fix bug with /plot group set {plottype}
  - Disallowed the use of /plot group set jail, jails can only be set
before grouping.
  - Fix plot groups not loading after server stop and start.
  - Clear out warringNations & warringTowns on war end.
  - Make sure world is properly handled when a town renames itself.
  - Fix /ta plot ? help screen.
  - Fix Null message when plots were claimed/unclaimed.
  - Fix error message for the /plot fs when used on a plot group.
  - Fix false-positive being shown when using /plot nfs on a plot group.
  - Fix error shown in console when entering a plot that is for sale but
is not part of a plot group.
  - Fix successful message when
economy.new_expand.price_claim_townblock_refund is set to a negative
  - Fix no message being shown when an invalid subcommand of "/plot
group" is used.
  - Fix /ta rename not passing on NPC status to residents.
  - Fix /plot set perm showing the opposite PVP setting in its final
  - Fix towny.admin players being limited by pvp cooldown timer.
  - Fix town/nation permissions missing on the /plot perm hud
  - Fix NPE shown when player is using /plot perm hud, but has another
plugin's scoreboard show up.
  - Fix missing town/nation key values on /plot perm hud.
  - Fix missing townblock type on /plot perm hud.
  - Fix /n new name with out underscores not parsing spaces into
  - Fix for revoking town invites on a player not actually revoking the
  - Fix null response when sending an invite to an offline player.
  - Fix lag caused by /t list and /n list.
  - Changed message shown at the end of the new day to print in the log
regardless of debug mode being true.
  - Readd economy lookups for town and nation banks, deprecated.
  - Fix for potentially causing too many file open exceptions on servers
with large databases and small Open File Limits.
  - Fix bug where renamed towns and nations would lose their bank
balances, introduced in
  - Fix death_payments feature not working on mob-kills of players.
  - Fix PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent error seen in log when players chat
while Towny is in safe mode.
  - Fix edge-case scenario where a townblock could be null when listing
  - Fix DailyTimerTask not resetting cosmetic list of removedTowns,
removedNations, totalUpkeeps.
  - Fix towns being kicked from a nation for non-payment of taxes being
included in the removedTowns.
  - Fix possible NPE when Nation taxes were collected from towns.
  - Fix BED_BLOCK in the default config's
new_world_settings.plot_management.block_delete.unclaim_delete list.
  - Fix Wither Skulls & Shulker Boxes not being in the
new_world_settings.plot_management.revert_on_unclaim.block_ignore list.
  - Fix allowing /t buy bonus to be used when the config has
using_economy: false.
  - Fix a couple missing options not showing under /plot set perm tab
  - Fix for Towny not clearing a residents' modes when they quit.
  - Fix /ta set capital {townname} {nationname} not working.
  - Fix possibility of residents getting duplicate town and nation
  - Fix unhelpful debug messages when saving residents in sql.
  - Potential fix for /t and /n online commands not parsing their
outputs nicely.
  - Fix Towny safe-mode induced via /ta reload still allowing Towny
commands to be used.
  - Fix titles and surname losing their trailing and leading spaces.
  - Fix msg_changed_public in korean.yml not working.
  - Fix a couple missing child nodes for permissions in the plugin.yml.

  - Fix nether portals being created in areas the portal-creator cannot
build, courtesy of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3745.
    - Stops 'portal griefing'.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3412.
  - Fix for spawners not reverting properly courtesy of Siris with PR
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3627.
  - Fix for plot groups sometimes throwing a CommandException, courtesy
of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3597.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3601.
  - Fix Ally invite sending to already allied nations, courtesy of Siris
with PR TownyAdvanced#3755.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3749.
  - Fix for not running on Craftbukkit servers, courtesy of
Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3642.
  - Fix NPE when '/plot group add' was used without any name, courtesy
of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3630.
  - Fix for /ta town meta not working on towns the admin doesnt own,
courtesy of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3549.
  - Fix for town invites from nation, courtesy of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3653.
  - Fix logger, courtesy of ArticDive/Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3664.
  - Readd pay() and collect() to Towns and Nations, deprecated, courtesy
of Siris with PR TownyAdvanced#3697.
  - Fix any *possible* NPE's in NameUtil, courtesy of Siris with PR
  - Fix flagwar not transferring TownBlocks correctly, courtesy of Siris
with PR TownyAdvanced#3744.
  - Remove metadata raw access warnings, courtesy of Siris with PR

  - Pom and pom_deb updates by TheFlagCourier with PR TownyAdvanced#3632.
    - Javadocs should only build on the install phase.
    - Github actions should again function properly.
  - Fix for javadocs courtesy of TheFlagCourier with PR TownyAdvanced#3655.
  - Github Actions workflow adjustment courtesy of TheFlagCourier with
PR TownyAdvanced#3654.
  - Fix 'msg_modes_set' in ResidentCommand not being used for
translation, courtesy of TheFlagCourier with PR TownyAdvanced#3658.

  - Fix for more tab completions, courtesy of stzups with PR TownyAdvanced#3734.
    - Closes TownyAdvanced#3733.
  - Fix for root cause of issue solved with TownyAdvanced#3724, courtesy of stzups
with PR TownyAdvanced#3725.
  - Fix for Tab Completion leaving out some towns/nations/players, as
well as caring about upper/lower-case letters, courtesy of stzups with
PR TownyAdvanced#3728.
  - Further optimize Trie used in tab completion, courtesy of stzups
with PR TownyAdvanced#3739.

  - Fixes for Nation_Zones not working/not giving capitals their proper
bonus, courtesy of Goosius with PR TownyAdvanced#3567.

  - Missing apostrophe in error message fixed by Deuphic with PR TownyAdvanced#3645.

  - Continue != break, courtesy of creatorfromhell with PR TownyAdvanced#3690.

  - Fix to the preventPVP function, allowing for towns with PVP off to
set PVP true on individual plots, courtesy of silverwolfg11 with PR
  - Fix plot toggle tab-completion and remove unused code, courtesy of
silverwolfg11 with PR TownyAdvanced#3750.
  - Fix townyworld set messages for console not being used, courtesy of
silverwolfg11 with PR TownyAdvanced#3757.
  - Remove redundant arraylist creation for tab-completion, courtesy of
silverwolfg11 with TownyAdvanced#3756.

  - Fix a small typo, courtesy of introvertism with PR TownyAdvanced#3736.

  - Bump language files to 0.76
  - New Language: Portuguese (Brazilian) Translation, courtesy of
BannerGames with PR TownyAdvanced#3603.
    - use pt-br.yml as your language in the config to enable.
  - New Language: Taiwanese courtesy of shou692199 with PR TownyAdvanced#3689.
    - set language: zh-TW.yml in config to use.
  - PT-BR.yml updated by BannerGames with PR TownyAdvanced#3647.
  - Korean.yml updated by wolfwork with PR TownyAdvanced#3651.
  - Fix french.yml not parsing.
  - French translation updated by Mitsu13Ion with PR TownyAdvanced#3614 & TownyAdvanced#3680.
  - Chinese translation updated by qsefthuopq with PR TownyAdvanced#3703.
  - German.yml updated to 0.75 by enterih.

  - Removed "[Towny] Modes set: " line seen when a player changes

  - Altered behaviour:
    - Previously using the channel command for the channel you're
already speaking in would move you to the next default channel,
      or if non was found, the next global channel.
    - Ex: While being in townchat you use "/tc" you could find yourself
in globalchat.
    - Now you will be told you're already in the channel you just used
the command to enter into.
  - Fixed: GLOBAL channelTypes (default: general and local channels) are
no longer formatted by TownyChat if modify_chat.enabled is false.
    - DEFAULT, TOWN, NATION & ALLIANCE types are still formatted by
Towny when modify_chat.enable is false.
    - Closes: TownyAdvanced#3568

  - Fix for removed TownyFormatter methods, required for Towny
and newer.

  - Fix for TownyChat overwriting towny_default_modes player modes on

  - Updated comments to reflect change with toggling chats, courtesy of
GenSecrets with PR TownyAdvanced#25.



<a title="Towny Changelog"
target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click Here for a full changelog</a>

<a title="Install Guide"
Install Guide</a>
<a title="Updating Towny"
href="">How to
Update and Existing Towny</a>
<a title="Permission Nodes"
Permission Nodes</a>
<a title="How Towny Works"
Towny Works</a>
  • Loading branch information
Goosius1 committed Mar 19, 2020
2 parents e72da5f + b260346 commit 3be4128
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 24 changed files with 130 additions and 62 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ It is the second-oldest land protection plugin to become popular for Minecraft,

### Current Recommended Versions
* [Latest Release]( supports MC 1.14.* & 1.15.
* [Latest Pre-Release]( <img src=""> supports MC 1.14.* & 1.15.
* [Latest Release]( supports MC 1.14.* & 1.15.*.
* [Latest Pre-Release]( <img src=""> supports MC 1.14.* & 1.15.*.

| Minecraft Version | Towny Version |
| MC 1.15.* | Use the below Release for 1.14.* or the above Latest Pre-Release. |
| MC 1.14.* | []( |
| MC 1.13.2 | [ for 1.13.2]( |
| MC 1.15.* | Use []( or the above Latest Pre-Release. |
| MC 1.14.* | []( |
| MC 1.13.2 | [ for 1.13.2]( |
| MC 1.12.2 | [ for 1.12.2]( |
| MC 1.11.2 | [ for 1.11.2]( |
| MC 1.10.2 | [ for 1.10.2]( |
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions pom.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions pom_deb.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
Expand Down
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion resources/ChangeLog.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4253,4 +4253,15 @@ v0.92.0.11:
- Closes #3765.
- Fix titles and surname losing their trailing and leading spaces.
- Actually fix Towny preventing Citizens NPCs from loading into their proper locations when safe mode happens.
- Closes #3773.
- Closes #3773.
- zh-TW.yml updated by shou692199 with PR #3775.
- Language files bumped to 0.76
- Fix missing translation.
- Closes #3777.
- Fix msg_changed_public in korean.yml not working.
- zh-TW.yml updated by shou692199 with PR #3782.
- Fix a couple missing child nodes for permissions in the plugin.yml.
- Bump version number for release.
- Update bukkit api to 1.15.2.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions resources/chinese.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: Chinese
author: ElgarL
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1088,4 +1088,7 @@ msg_err_you_aren't currently jailed: 'You are not currently jailed.'
msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: 'You are not allowed to create the other side of this portal in this location.'

# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: 'You'
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions resources/english.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: english
author: ElgarL
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1089,6 +1089,9 @@ msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: 'You are no
# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: 'You'

# Added in ? (for siege war)
#Siege war happy-path messages
msg_siege_war_revolt: '&bThe people of %s, led by %s, have revolted against the occupying power of %s, and declared themselves free to choose their own destiny!'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1223,4 +1226,4 @@ msg_occupier: '&4*Occupier*'
town_help_12: 'Reclaim your town from a ruined state.'
msg_err_cannot_reclaim_town_unless_ruined: '&cYou cannot reclaim your town because it is not ruined.'
msg_err_cannot_reclaim_town_yet: '&cYou cannot reclaim your town for another %s.'
msg_town_reclaimed: '&b%s has reclaimed the town of %s.'
msg_town_reclaimed: '&b%s has reclaimed the town of %s.'
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions resources/es-mx.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: español
author: VreyaViress
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1075,4 +1075,7 @@ msg_err_you_aren't currently jailed: 'You are not currently jailed.'
msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: 'You are not allowed to create the other side of this portal in this location.'

# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: 'You'
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions resources/french.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: french
author: Noiknez,TheCalypso,Cidalex,Mitsu,ARNPIK
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1088,4 +1088,7 @@ msg_err_you_aren't currently jailed: 'You are not currently jailed.'
msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: 'You are not allowed to create the other side of this portal in this location.'

# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: 'You'
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion resources/german.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: german
author: 'ElgarL, translated by Articdive, Wolf2323, BlocK, Yasu-San and enterih'
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1092,3 +1092,5 @@ msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: 'Dir ist es
# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Deine Nation ist bereits mit %s verbündet.'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: 'You'
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions resources/italian.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: italian
author: Leomixer17
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1089,4 +1089,7 @@ msg_err_you_aren't currently jailed: 'You are not currently jailed.'
msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: 'You are not allowed to create the other side of this portal in this location.'

# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: 'You'
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions resources/korean.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: 한국어
author: 'Daybreak 새벽'
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ msg_town_set_name: '&b%s님이 마을의 이름을 %s(으)로 변경하였습니
msg_nation_set_name: '&b%s님이 국가의 이름을 %s(으)로 변경하였습니다.'

msg_changed_pvp: '&c%s의 PVP 설정 : %s.'
msg_changed_public: '&c%s 공공 설정 : %s.'
msg_changed_public: '&c마을 공개 설정 : %s.'
msg_changed_expl: '&c%s 폭발 설정 : %s.'
msg_changed_fire: '&c%s 불번짐 설정 : %s.'
msg_changed_mobs: '&c%s 몹스폰 설정 : %s.'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1000,4 +1000,7 @@ msg_err_you_aren't currently jailed: 'You are not currently jailed.'
msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: 'You are not allowed to create the other side of this portal in this location.'

# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: 'You'
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions resources/norwegian.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: norwegian
author: Nectuz, Walbern
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1087,4 +1087,7 @@ msg_err_you_aren't currently jailed: 'You are not currently jailed.'
msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: 'You are not allowed to create the other side of this portal in this location.'

# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: 'You'
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions resources/plugin.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ permissions: true true true true
description: User can see sent ally invites from their nation.
Expand All @@ -221,6 +222,7 @@ permissions:
towny.command.nation.invite.manage.* : true
towny.command.nation.invite.sent: true
towny.command.nation.invite.received: true
towny.command.nation.invite: true

Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions resources/pt-br.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: português (Brasil)
author: BannerGames
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1091,4 +1091,7 @@ msg_err_you_aren't currently jailed: 'You are not currently jailed.'
msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: 'You are not allowed to create the other side of this portal in this location.'

# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: 'You'
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions resources/russian.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: russian
author: ElgarL (Plugin developer), Communar (Russian Translation)
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1087,4 +1087,7 @@ msg_err_you_aren't currently jailed: 'You are not currently jailed.'
msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: 'You are not allowed to create the other side of this portal in this location.'

# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: 'You'
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions resources/spanish.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: spanish
author: Seruhio, Alvarote1998, Beelzebu
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1087,4 +1087,7 @@ msg_err_you_aren't currently jailed: 'You are not currently jailed.'
msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: 'You are not allowed to create the other side of this portal in this location.'

# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: 'You'
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions resources/zh-TW.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Towny
version: 0.75
version: 0.76
language: zh-TW
author: ElgarL
website: ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1086,4 +1086,7 @@ msg_err_you_aren't currently jailed: '你現在沒有被監禁。'
msg_err_you_are_not_allowed_to_create_the_other_side_of_this_portal: '不允許在此位置創建此門戶的另一側。'

# Added in 0.75
msg_already_ally: 'Your nation is already allied with %s.'
msg_already_ally: '您的國家已經與%s建立了聯盟。'

# Added in 0.76
msg_you: ''
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/com/palmergames/bukkit/towny/command/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ public boolean parsePlotCommand(Player player, String[] split) throws TownyExcep

// Add the confirmation for claiming a plot group.
ConfirmationHandler.addConfirmation(resident, ConfirmationType.GROUP_CLAIM_ACTION, new GroupConfirmation(group, player));
String firstLine = String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_plot_group_claim_confirmation"), group.getTownBlocks().size()) + " " + TownySettings.getLangString("are_you_sure_you_want_to_continue");
String firstLine = String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_plot_group_claim_confirmation"), group.getTownBlocks().size()) + " " + TownyEconomyHandler.getFormattedBalance(group.getPrice()) + ". " + TownySettings.getLangString("are_you_sure_you_want_to_continue");
TownyMessaging.sendConfirmationMessage(player, firstLine, null, null, null);

return true;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/com/palmergames/bukkit/towny/command/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2484,7 +2484,7 @@ public static void newTown(Player player, String name, String mayorName, boolean
throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_too_far"));

if (!noCharge && TownySettings.isUsingEconomy() && !resident.getAccount().pay(TownySettings.getNewTownPrice(), "New Town Cost"))
throw new TownyException(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_no_funds_new_town2"), (resident.getName().equals(player.getName()) ? "You" : resident.getName()), TownySettings.getNewTownPrice()));
throw new TownyException(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_no_funds_new_town2"), (resident.getName().equals(player.getName()) ? TownySettings.getLangString("msg_you") : resident.getName()), TownySettings.getNewTownPrice()));

newTown(world, name, resident, key, player.getLocation(), player);
TownyMessaging.sendGlobalMessage(TownySettings.getNewTownMsg(player.getName(), StringMgmt.remUnderscore(name)));
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ public boolean loadSnapshotList() {
* Function which reads from a resident, town, nation, townyobject file, returning a hashmap.
* @param file - File from which the HashMap will be made.
* @return HashMap<String, String> - Used for loading keys and values from object files.
* @return HashMap - Used for loading keys and values from object files.
public HashMap<String, String> loadFileIntoHashMap(File file) {
HashMap<String, String> keys = new HashMap<>();
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ public TownyEntityMonitorListener(Towny instance) {
* - DeathPayments,
* - Jailing Players,
* - Awarding WarTimeDeathPoints.
* @param event
* @throws NotRegisteredException
* @param event The event.
* @throws NotRegisteredException When a towny object is not found.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onEntityDeath(EntityDeathEvent event) throws NotRegisteredException {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/com/palmergames/bukkit/towny/object/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1607,7 +1607,7 @@ public void setNeutral(boolean value) {
* @deprecated as of, please use {@link EconomyAccount#getHoldingBalance()} instead.
* @return the holding balance of the economy account.
* @throws EconomyException
* @throws EconomyException On an economy error.
public double getHoldingBalance() throws EconomyException {
Expand Down

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