Welcome to my Github page! My name is Gordon Lei, a current junior studying computer science. This is going to be a work in progress since I'm looking to make my github.io page more "servicable" the link will be at: gordonlei.github.io. Right now, it functionally works but images and bootstrap card look too squished in smaller screens and in mobile, mainly because I put fixed heights for the images.
I'm currently learning how to make webpages using Node.js and express with other tools such as React and MongoDB or SQL. I'm planning on using these skillsets for a personal project that is realted to my interest in mechanical keyboards; this is a link to the GitHub Repo; currently it is mainly empty since I'm still learning how to use the tools from an online course and am drafting and sketching how I would like the website to look like and what featues it will have. Images will be coming very, very soon.