MINERful is a fast miner for discovering declarative process models out of logs. Logs can be either real or synthetic. MINERful can also create logs on the fly and inject errors inside them, too. Please notice that this is the command-line version of MINERful. A GUI-equipped release exists, although in beta version: please download the ProM Nightly Build and install DeclareMinerFul package.
You need to have a JRE 6+ installed on your machine. To launch the SH files, you have to run them on a Unix-based system with a BASH shell. No installation procedure is required. This version has been tested on both a Ubuntu Linux (10.04, 12.04) and a Mac OS X (Snow Leopard) machine.
Please see the LICENSE file.
The easiest way for you to launch MINERful is to make use of the SH files. You have:
- run-MINERful.sh
it launches the miner
- run-MINERful-overSimulatedTraces.sh
it launches the miner over a synthetic log, created on the fly
- run-MINERful-overErrorInjectedTraces.sh
it launches the miner over a synthetic log, which is created on the fly and then altered with a controlled jection of errors in the traces
- run-MINERfulTracesMaker.sh
it launches the builder of synthetic logs
- run-MINERfulErrorInjectedTracesMaker.sh
it launches the builder of synthetic error-injected logs
- test-launchers/*.sh
these files make the miner execute several runs, over synthetic logs - for testing purposes.
Each of those launchers can be invoked with the -h parameter. This way, you can read an explanation of the possible parameters you can pass. Depending on the case, some parameters are specified in the SH file, others are left free. In case, you can always modify the constants declared at the beginning of the script, so as to customise them.
The SH scripts that end with "-unstable.sh" suffix do not launch MINERful by the JAR, as they use the bytecode files. In this way, the user can immediately try the modified source code without overwriting the JAR version.
- Mine a XES log file located in /home/user/file.xes
run-MINERful.sh -iLF '/home/user/file.xes'
- Mine a XES log file located in /home/user/file.xes and export the discovered model in a XML file located in /home/user/model-condec.xml, formatted as Declare/ConDec. Set a support threshold of 0.95, a confidence level threshold of 0.75, and an interest factor threshold of 0.5
run-MINERful.sh -iLF '/home/user/file.xes' -condec '/home/user/model-condec.xml' -s 0.95 -c 0.75 -i 0.5
- Mine a XES log file located in /home/user/file.xes, with comprehensive debug lines
run-MINERful.sh -d all -iLF '/home/user/file.xes'
- Mine a XES log file located in /home/user/file.xes, with comprehensive debug lines. Let results be exported in a CSV file located in /home/user/output.csv
run-MINERful.sh -d all -iLF '/home/user/file.xes' -CSV '/home/user/output.csv'
- Mine a XES log file located in /home/user/file.xes, with comprehensive debug lines. Set a support threshold of 0.95, a confidence level threshold of 0.75, and an interest factor threshold of 0.5. Let results be exported in a CSV file located in /home/user/output.csv
run-MINERful.sh -d all -iLF '/home/user/file.xes' -CSV '/home/user/output.csv' -s 0.95 -c 0.75 -i 0.5
This is a little bit trickier, but necessary, in case you have a Microsoft Windows system.
From your prompt, type:
java -jar MINERful.jar minerful.<LAUNCHER_CLASS> -h
where <LAUNCHER_CLASS> can be either
- MinerFulMinerStarter
to launch the miner
- MinerFulSimuStarter
to launch the miner over a synthetic log, created on the fly
- MinerFulErrorInjectedSimuStarter
to launch the miner over a synthetic log, which is created on the fly and then altered with a controlled injection of errors in the traces
- MinerFulTracesMakerStarter
to launch the builder of synthetic logs
- MinerFulErrorInjectedTracesMakerStarter
to launch the builder of synthetic error-injected logs
The "-h" parameter appended at the end of the prompt shows and explains the parameters you can pass. They are exactly the same as the Linux/MacOS version.
Please contact the author, Claudio Di Ciccio, for any information, comment or bug reporting dc.claudio@gmail.com